International Gita Mahotsav 2020

I am attending IGM2020, are you? Witness awe inspiring exhibition displaying Bhagavad Gita verses, hear from world renowned scholars, immerse yourself in mass chanting and enjoy an evening filled with […]

Best Guided Meditations For Sleep

By: Alisa Paliano. Do you find it difficult to relax in the evening? Do you lie down in bed only to have your mind suddenly filled with to-do lists and […]

India’s Citizenship Amendment Act 2019

By Raghbendra Jha. This article argues that despite the media and mass movements protesting India’s Citizenship Amendment Act CAA), it does not strip any Indian of their citizenship. Rather, it […]

Research Survey on Mantra chanting by Macquarie University

By: Gemma Perry, Macquarie University’s PhD student and a yoga expert.   Name of Project: Online Survey about Chanting Chief Investigator: Professor Bill Thompson, Director of Music, Sound and Performance […]

A Hindu center burns down in Australian Bush Fires

By: Sri Om Community. Sydney has a large Hindu population and there are about 30 Hindu temples, spiritual centers and senior citizen service centers to cater for their religious, spiritual […]

Spiritual retreat at Darama

Spiritual retreat at Darama. Please see details in the flyer attached. Related Images:

A history of Yoga

The understanding of yoga has evolved in many directions since its origin, thousands of years ago, making the history of yoga fascinating to examine. Today, our collective understanding of yoga […]

JAGADHATRI DEVI and her blessings.

INTRODUCTION Jagadhatri is another form of Devi Durga, who is worshipped mostly in West Bengal and Odisha. It is believed that once she controlled the ego of the demi gods […]

AKASH RAJ and his blessings.

INTRODUCTION Sky God called as Dyaus Pitr in Sanskrit is the vedic deity of Hinduism. He is considered as one among the eight vasus, the divine attendants of Lord Indra. […]

MATA USHAS and her blessings.

INTRODUCTION Ushas is a goddess of dawn in Hinduism. She is mentioned in the Rigveda. She is giving the life for all the living creatures of the entire universe and […]

Kashmir and divided Kashmiriyat

By: Chandrakanta’s ‘The Saga Of Satisar’ (Almost) everything you wanted to know about Kashmiri Pandits but didn’t know whom to ask. Chandrakanta’s ‘The Saga Of Satisar’ is a monumental work […]


DETAILS OF NORTH INDIAN TEMPLES IMPORTANT NORTH INDIAN TEMPLES 1.Baijnath Temple It is a famous temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. According to ancient history,the Shiva Lingam in Baijnath temple is […]

Welcome Ayodhya Verdict by Supreme Court of India

Press Release – HCA Welcomes Ayodhya Verdict Related Images:

Ayodhya Verdict – a landmark for human history

By: Surinder Jain. A five hundred year old wrong has been done right by the supreme court of India. Bhagwan Ram’s birth place will have a temple, even more magnificent, […]

Yabun Matra – bilingual CD in Dharwal and Sanskrit

By: School of Vedic Sciences, Sydney, Australia. Dharawal (Thurawal, Dharawal, Wodiwodi) is an extinct aboriginal language of New South wales, Australia. During the International Year of Indigenous Languages (2019), Sydney […]

Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s 550th Parab Divas 12th November 2019

India has been a land of spirituality. It has produced not one but many religions, many holy scriptures and many systems of  worship. Every time a group of people start […]

How we worship – Religion in Australia, By: Emily Clark, ABC

By Emily Clark with photography by Brendan Esposito  ABC From organised religion to casual spirituality, faith in Australia is different to anywhere else in the world. Diversity — of people […]

Meditation Retreat on 17 November

Meditation Retreat on 17 November at Vedanta Hall, 15 Liverpool Road, Croydon NSW 2132 Related Images:

Govardhan Puja

The name ‘Govardhana’ has two primary translations. In the literal meaning, ‘Go’ translates to ‘cows’, and ‘vardhana’ translates to ‘nourishment’. Another meaning of ‘Go’ is ‘the senses’ and ‘vardhana’ can […]

Vibrant Festivals Celebrating The Birth of Sri Krishna

National Sri Krishna Janmashtami Celebrations 2019 Every year the Australian School of Meditation & Yoga celebrates the most auspicious day of the year – Sri Krishna Janmashtami – with colourful, […]

Hindu Temples and Gurdwara of Hazro town Pakistan

Hazro is also the birth place of the KuKa sect of Sikh religion, formed by Bhagat Jawar Mal & Bhai Balak Singh in 1840, the founders of Namdhari Sikhs. I visited the Hari Temple and the Shiva Temple of Shahbaz Mohalla. Both were quite run down and all the frescos were painted over.


UNITED BHARAT EVENT, PERTH (an information SESSION on revocation of Article 370 of Indian Constitution) On September 14, 2019 United Bharat Event was organised by Hindu Swayemsevak Sangh (HSS) in […]

Give me your tired, your homeless say Hindus for over 2000 years

By: Surinder Jain. Hindus have been the most tolerant and accepting of people fleeing their homelands ever since people started fleeing their homes. Jews (also know as Yehudi) and Parsis […]

Amb Sharif Hindu Temple, Soon Sakesar Valley, Pakistan

By: Wali Imran Khalil. Amb Shahi temple complex and fort of the Hindu Shahi dynasty that ruled over Salt Range from the 9th to the 10th century, was meant to […]

Wali Imran Khalil locates yet another Hindu temple in Pakistan

Wali Imran Khalil locates yet another Hindu temple in Pakistan. ‘Nur Singh Pawar’ or ‘Nursing Phuwaar’, as it is called locally is a Hindu temple and retreat nestled on a […]

FREE Evening of Wisdom, Music, Meditation with Swami Sadyojathah

This one-off evening is an opportunity for you to be in the divine presence of a world renowned yogi. The evening will provide a unique combination of deep spiritual knowledge, […]

Bhera Hindus were very learned and rich

  By: Wali Imran Khalil. ( An octogenarian told me that when she would visit the homes of her Hindu friends, their houses would be lined till the roof with […]

History of the Kashmir Conflict

By: Hindu American Foundation. Ancient Kashmir was home to a majorit y Hindu and Buddhist population for thousands of ye ars and renowned as a center for Hindu and Buddhist […]

Yoga Day Festival – United Nations 5th Annual International Yoga Day 2019

By: Janina Stokes, Yoga Teacher at Rapidly growing in size every year, the iconic Australia wide Yoga Day Festival was wildly successful, engaging and fun. Bringing the community together […]


A cultural program celebrating the birth anniversary of Bhagwan Shri Krishna featuring kirtans, spiritual discourses and dance performance by children and yout of BAPS followed by Maha Prasad Related Images:

Oral Hygiene and Ayurveda

Ensured Oral Hygiene with Triphala Mouth Wash As the saying goes, “Better teeth, better health”. It not only enlightens us about the importance of teeth but the entire oral hygiene. […]

Janmashtami @ The Ponds on 25 Aug 2019, Sunday

By: Tara Sharma. Jai Shree Krishna Janmashtami will be celebrated @ The Ponds on 25 Aug 2019, Sunday. This is third year of Janmashtami celebrations at The Ponds. Related Images:

International Yoga Day 2019 – Sydney

By: Ashwani Jain, Secretary NSW Chapter, Hindu Council of Australia. Hindu Council of Australia (HCA), in association with the Consulate General of India, Sydney, celebrated the fifth International Yoga Day […]

Benefits of Spiritual meditation

By: John Parrot, Relax Like a Boss. Spiritual meditation is one of the most rewarding and inspiring practices you can introduce into your daily routine.     Related Images:

550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev ji

By: Surinder Jain, Hindu Council of Australia. 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev ji is being celebrated throughout the world. The Indian civilization has been a civilization of knowledge, […]

Oldest Hindu in Australia passes away

By: Prakash Mehta, National President, Hindu Council of Australia. Respected Shankalal ji passed away a week ago. He was an icon and we may never see such a vibrant Hindu […]

Anti-Hindu psuedo-Secularism of India

By: Shashi Holla, WA. Hindu phobic Secularism of India – A wonder of Modern World WHAT IS SECULARISM? Secularism is neither universal nor golden standard in the contemporary world. There […]

An Evening with Sadhguru in Sydney

Sadhguru is a contemporary mystic whose passion spills into everything that he encounters. He imparts yogic sciences in a format easily adaptable to modern lifestyles, empowering individuals to transform their […]

Immigration Minister eases pain of Religious Visas

By: Surinder Jain. Hindu Council had approached the immigration minister Mr David Coleman to help solve the problems faced by Hindu temples in obtaining visas for priests and religious workers. […]

A Taxation system developed by Chanakya two thousands years ago

By: *Dr Ramesh Kumar Vankwani* Patron-in-chief, Pakistan Hindu Council Convener, Pakistan India Parliamentary Friendship Group   Governments should collect taxes like a honeybee, which sucks just the right amount of […]

Pan-Australia Happiness Program with Sri Sri

An Exclusive Happiness Program which features a live online session with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living and Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique The Happiness Course is […]

Shree Rama

By: Veera Lavoji. Why Sree Raama Raajya should be our guiding model is because IT Inspires us to attain that level of greatness which he himself has reached. There is […]

Hindu women saints songs on SBS radio

By: Gayatri Bharat. For the first time, SBS will broadcast a Hindu women saints based Indian classical musical series that I have produced.  (My page has more details about me.) […]

Katha & Kirtan by Brij Balika Shree ji from Barsana, Bharat

Katha & Kirtan by Shree ji from Maan Mandir, Barsana on Saturday 6 July 2019 from 5.00-8.00 PM at HTCC Canberra. Sadhvi Shree ji is brought up under the guidance […]

A selection of sayings on Yoga

By: John Parrott, Founder of Relax Like A Boss. 15 favourite yoga sayings. Related Images:

To Use or Not To Use? Guidelines for Commercial Use of Hindu Images

To Use or Not To Use? Guidelines for Commercial Use of Hindu Images. Related Images:

Yoga Day celebration in Victoria

By: Makrand Bhagwat. Yoga Day celebration in Victoria. Related Images:

Hindu Council Joins Hands with Palliative Care Victoria

By: Makarand Bhagwat, Hindu Council Victoria. HCA Vic has joined hands with Palliative Care Victoria and will soon be providing voluntary spiritual care to the Hindus who are in palliative […]

Articles by Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari

When we live a soul-cen­tered life we be­come a happy per­son, for to be with the spirit is to be in peace and con­tent­ment. If we live a ma­te­ri­ally en­grossed […]

Articles by Sri Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari – Life Is an Opportunity! Don’t Miss It!

Bodhi Shuddhaanandaa (Formerly Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari) It is one thing to be happy when our expectations are fulfilled. But how do we sustain it? Can we keep the externals in our […]

Turmeric Latte (haldi doodh) cures arthritis

By: Madhu Arora. Turmeric has been proclaimed a superfood, a health booster and it is popping up on cafe menus recently as the “golden latte” or as “turmeric latte”. It is […]

International Yoga Day

By: Sai Pravastu. Hindu Council of Australia, in association with The Consulate General of India Sydney, cordially invite you for a free yoga event, to mark the occasion of the […]

Fasting in my religion

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Australia had organized an Interfaith Event “Fasting in My Religion” on 25th May at Merrylands. The event was attended and addressed by various community members Sathya […]

The Hidden Face of God

By: Vijai Singhal, Director, Hindu Council of Australia. Millions of households had plunged into darkness after Cyclone Fani, which had packed wind-speeds of about 200 kmph, made a landfall in […]

Discourse of Dr RVSS Avadhanulu, Canberra Chapter, HCA

Written By: Santosh Gupta. Photos by : Bibhuti Panda. Video by : Mitra Desai. Hindu Council of Australia, Canberra Chapter, organised a discourse of Dr RVSS Avadhanulu, an Eminent Vedic […]

Know Thy Potential

By: Jiten Damudre. Maruti thought it was a red fruit and leapt towards it, and realized He could fly great heights. Did little Maruti catch the fruit? As He reached […]

Message of the Vedas and Upnishads

Message of the Vedas and Upnishads by Dr Avadhanulu Related Images:

Ayurveda treatment for Anorexia (Aruchi)

Anorexia (Aruchi) Does less appetite bother you? Have you lost your hunger? No more interest in food? Understanding Anorexia (loss of appetite) through Ayurveda. Anorexia is a common problem these […]

Yoga in South Hobart

Free Yoga @ the Goods Shed, Mac Pt Farewell Jyoti, Hello Sangita Yoga Philosophy Book Club this Friday Intro to Meditation starts 30th May       We’re sad to […]

Hey gobind, Hey gopaal at Gallipoli in the trenches

Indian soldiers fought along with Otago battalions from New Zealand during World War I. During Vaisakhi and on other days when blood, bullets, death and injury were raining, Indian soldiers […]

USA law makers call Hindu Gods “false”

North Dakota Parliament opened its 2nd April 2019 session with Hindu prayers. Several Republican members of the Parliament protested the opening of the session with Hindu prayers. The Senate and […]

Pakistan’s 200 year plan to restore Hindu temples

Imran Khan, the PM of Pakistan has started a new project. The project is to restore Hindu temples back to Hindus so that temples can be restored and used for […]

Educational Heritage of Ancient India : A Talk by Sahana Singh

The Educational Heritage of Ancient India: How an Ecosystem of Learning Was Laid to Waste.

ANZAC spirit recalls Australia India friendship – Indian down under

By Vijay Badhwar, Indian Down Under. Thanks to the Hindu Council of Australia who took initiative last year to erect the Cherrybrook Cenotaph that the Indian community now shares a […]

Nataraja Art work exhibited at Royal Easter Show

By: Shweta Bhargava. A 5 feet tall painting of Hindu lord Shiva is among several beautiful artworks that are currently being exhibited at the Sydney Royal Easter Show 2019. The […]

Hindus may suffer in Indonesia due to election

Many believe that the persecution of Hindus in Bali and human rights violation may be next on the cards.

Sanya’s List – Hindu Religious icons Sacraments

By: Hindu Council of Australia. Hindu Council of Australia has compiled a list of Hindu Icons that Hindus may wear on their body and which have spiritual significance. This list […]

Videos – ANZAC Jawan Memorial service April 2019

Related Images:

Ayurveda – A whole body and mind science of cure

By: Dr Naveen Shukla, Dr Vishal Sharma, Dr Nikhila Venugopal. Nature Care Ayurveda. Ayurveda, the offspring of Atharvaveda and appreciated as the fifth Veda is the holistic system of medicine […]

Are you a vegetarian? Yes Yes No No May be Don’t Know

By: Surinder Jain. Many of us including some of the most powerful men of the world are either blind or skeptic to the impending doom known in popular folklore as […]

Sree Jalaram Bapa Temple WA Bhumi Puja 8-9th June

With blessings from Pujya Shree Jalaram Bapa, we would like to inform you all that we will be commencing with the Bhumi Pujan (ground breaking) ceremony of our much awaited […]

Ramayana Trail in Sri Lanka Tours

By: Ramzi Ali, Sri Lanka and Surinder Jain. The Ramayana is an ancient Hindu epic of India, the life of Lord Rama, an incarnation of God Vishnu. In the story […]

Special Sri Rama Gold Coin for Puja

By: ABC Bullion. Special Sri Rama Navami Promotion of Gold and Silver coins. $1 from every Sri Rama coin sold during April will be donated to Karma Kitchen, an initiative […]

ISKCON Bhoomi Puja ( Ground Breaking Ceremony)

By: Mona Swarup, Krishna Devotee. The grassland site at 217 Windsor Road, Vineyard was buzzing with activity since 8.00am on Sunday 31st March 2019. A team of enthusiastic devotees added […]

Museum of Australian Hindu Heritage

Hindus started arriving in Australia about fifty years ago. Since then our numbers have grown to almost half a million Hindus in Australia. Hindus have established many places of worship […]

Catholics ask Hindu Council to help train their teachers on Hinduism

Mr Vijai Singhal, Director, Hindu Council of Australia was invited by the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta to make a presentation to the teachers of Religious Studies in their Catholic […]

Book Review – Hidden Hymns

By: Rasamandala Das. “Hidden Hymns” should not remain hidden. The sheer breadth of information conveyed in this delightful and readable volume is staggering, and it can only lead to enlightenment. […]

Superme Being in my Faith

By: Bharathi R. Bharathi  attended interfaith Symposium organised by Ahmadiyaa Muslim association and presented on topic “Supreme Being in my Faith”. There were total 6 speakers representing  Christian, Muslim, Buddhism, […]

Happy Hindu New Year to all

6th April 2019 – Happy Hindu New year to you all    The first day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of Chaitra. Diverse India celebrates Hindu New Year with many […]

Political party Dravid Kazagam insults Hindu God Krishna

Tamil Nadu : Hindus demand action against DK Party President for insulting Shrikrushna April 5, 2019 It is shameful for AIDMK Govt. in Tamil Nadu that such demand has to […]

Basic teachings of Hindu Scriptures (Part One)

By: Rasamandala Das (ISKCON). The aim of Hindu Scriptures is to gradually elevate man from a state of ignorance (tamas) to a state of pure goodness (çuddha-sattva). Ignorance is opposed […]

Transformative benefits of Meditation

By: Paramhansa Yogananda. Meditation is the science of God-realization. It is the most practical science in the world. Most people would want to meditate if they understood its value and […]

To The New Beginnings

By: Jatin Damudre. Many communities in India celebrate their New Year on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (First day of the month of Chaitra of Hindu Lunar Calendar). Marathi community celebrate it […]

Offensive Yoga mats withdrawn, Manufacturer apologizes

By: Prakash Mehta. Some Yoga students and teachers had brought to the attention of Hindu Council of Australia that Yoga mats with the pictures of Gods are being manufactures and […]

Pakistan Hindu Council asks the govt to take action against forcible conversion and kidnapping of Reena & Raveena

By: Pakistan Hindu Council. Pakistan Hindu Council asks the govt to take action against forcible conversion and kidnapping of Reena & Raveena in Sindh. Demands to bring to justice Mian […]

Dont teach Baa Baa Black Sheep. Teach : Vakrathunda mahaa kaaya….

Sanskrit Effect. The chanting of long texts does, in fact, have an amazing effect on the brain. Neuroscience shows how rigorous memorising can help the brain. The term the ‘Sanskrit […]

ISKCON Bhumi Puja

Bhoomi Puja of the new temple of ISKCON on Sunday 31st March. Related Images:

World celebrities who became Hindus

18 Famous hollywood people who adopted Hinduism as their faith. Related Images:

The forgotten history of Hinduism in China

  Hinduism in China There are age old instances of cultural links between India and China. There were numerous scholars and travelers who travelled to India, for the sole purpose […]

Everything you need to know about Holi festival in India

Click here to view original web page at Everything you need to know about Holi festival in India AKIPRESS.COM – Hindus will celebrate Holi, also known as “The Festival of […]

Holi Festival 2019: What is the Indian Festival of Colours? Why do Hindus celebrate it?

Click here to view original web page at Holi Festival 2019: What is the Indian Festival of Colours? Why do Hindus celebrate it? The religious festival is intended to welcome […]

Pakistan lawmaker says ‘Hindus are our enemy’, draws ire

Click here to view original web page at Pakistan lawmaker says ‘Hindus are our enemy’, draws ire Later, the assembly members took both the protesting Members of Provincial Assembly into […]

Holi 2019: Wishes, Quotes and Messages to Celebrate the Hindu Spring Festival

Click here to view original web page at Holi 2019: Wishes, Quotes and Messages to Celebrate the Hindu Spring Festival The religious festival of Holi, known as “the festival of […]

VIEWPOINT: Discovering Hinduism in Āratī

Click here to view original web page at VIEWPOINT: Discovering Hinduism in Āratī Each Sunday evening as I enter Georgetown University’s Jewish prayer room, Makóm, for weekly Āratī , herbal […]

Plant-Based Eating In Canada: The Future Is Bright

A team of Canadian researchers recently set off to explore Canadian consumer attachment to meat consumption and their willingness to adopt a plant-based diet. The study consisted of an online […]

History of Hinduism in Sindh from ancient times

Click here to view original web page at History of Hinduism in Sindh from ancient times and why Sindh belongs to India Sindh: It is a southeastern state of Pakistan […]

The oldest Jain temple in Pakistan

By: Wali Imran Khalil. 200 BC Greek City SirKap Pakistan is designed like Islamabad February 24, 2019 WIK Comments 0 Comment   SirKap is the only Greek city in the […]

Sri Ramakrishna Birthday Celebration

The pulsating, ancient sound of Vedic Chanting by the Vedanta Society Nuns launched this year’s public celebration of Sri Ramakrishna’s birthday celebration at Vedanta Hall. In his introductory comments to […]

Bali Hindus in Denmark celebrate Nyepi festival

By: Original article is in Indonesian language and is published at Nyepi is a Bali Hindu festival Saka New Year Celebration. Read English translation below : Pensosbud of […]

It is not so cool – Being Shiva

Grief-stricken Shiva sat next to a funeral pyre, sobbing… crying his heart out; perhaps this was the only reminder of the warmth, which Sati provided Him. The haunting memories of […]