Looking for Indian/Srilankan origin actors

Acclaimed Indian filmmaker Ravi Chand’s latest project ‘Loosing My Best Project’ needs new Indian/Srilankan origin actors. Please check the flyer for more details. Losing My Best Friend – Press Release Related […]

Colonial Hinduism Vs Indigenous Hindutva: Understanding narratives

Of all the Indian words that have been misused the most in the global polity are “Hinduism” & “Hindutva”. Even literature laureates like Mr Shashi Tharoor have murdered the basis of language […]

Using Movies to Make Hindu Philosophy More Accessible

There are many Indian movies (e.g., Anand made in the 1971) that clearly have many aspects of Hindu philosophy. However, this is not relevant for those who have been brought […]

Understanding Hindu Dharma – A Rational Approach

By: Abhijit Bhide. Hindu Council of Australia ( HCA ) & Hindu Resonance Forum (HRF) are  inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.   Topic: Understanding Hindu Dharma – A […]

Catholics ask Hindu Council to help train their teachers on Hinduism

Mr Vijai Singhal, Director, Hindu Council of Australia was invited by the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta to make a presentation to the teachers of Religious Studies in their Catholic […]

World celebrities who became Hindus

18 Famous hollywood people who adopted Hinduism as their faith. Related Images:

Menstruation is Far From Taboo in Hinduism

By: Sunila Goray Raj (edited by : Surinder Jain) Menstruation is Far From Taboo in Hinduism.   There is so much to be said about it all – but here […]

Tirta Gangga in Bali

Bali is an island in Indonesia and has largely native Hindu population. A water garden was built in Bali by Dr Anak Agung Made Djelantik in the year 1948 and […]

Survey of school going children’s parents on SRE

Hindu Council of Australia is conducting an SRE survey of parents who have school going children and live in NSW. Please fill out the form below if you have a […]

Bioethics – a Hindu Perspective

By : Dr Raj Maheshwari. (The following is an abstract of the talk delivered by the author at the conference on “Core Ethical Teachings” at NSW Parliament House on 4 […]

Dalai Lama endorses Hinduism as most tolerant

Muslim nations must learn about religion from India : Dalai Lama There are various religions and traditions in India having population of over 125 crore. Muslim countries should learn from […]

Hey, Do you speak Hindu? #IAMHINDUAMERICAN

By : American Hindu Foundation. #IAMHINDUAMERICAN We’re teachers and parents, politicians and artists, cab drivers and entrepreneurs, doctors and lawyers, small business owners and engineers. We give back to our […]

Meat produced from plants – is it OK for Hindus?

By : Surinder Jain. Hindus are vegetarians primarily because of cruelty involved in producing meat which is done by killing a live animal. Inflicting pain on a living beings binds […]

SRE Teacher Training 2019 starting in a big way

By : Madya Lila. It’s great to see Hindu Council of Australia has finally been added to the Department of Education’s web page https://education.nsw.gov.au/teaching-and-learning/curriculum/learning-across-the-curriculum/religion-and-ethics/approved-sre-providers#letterH as a provider of Hinduism teachers […]

Karwachauth celebration at Darwin

By : Shashi Khanna. Karwa chauth – ( The Mother in-law & Daughter in law day ) – the festival of Wife, Husband & mother in law!! surprised!! Yes dear, […]

Significance of Sri Sitarama Bhadrachalam

रामो रामो राम इति प्रजनामभवन् कथााः | रामभूिं जिभूद्रमे राज्यं प्रशासति । तनत्यपश्ु पा तनत्यफलास्िरवस्र तनर्व्नर ााः | कामवशी च पजन्र याः सखु स्पशश्र च मारुिाः । Sri Vaalmeeki Ramayana […]

Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam explained to Youth Parliament of World Religions

The Youth PoWR conference was organized by the Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations to bring young representatives of different religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh) to one platform […]

“witch hunt” against a wholly innocent and fully integrated British Hindu community?

    26th July 2018  DISSOLVING CASTE CONSCIOUSNESS   “The Governments announces its Caste Consultation conclusion  confirming that this is NOT “a real life issue”. Hindus & Non Hindus must […]

Hindu History of Afghanistan

Hinduism today is only followed in India and small percentage of people in few other countries. But the Hindu kingdom until 900 CE was spread to a vast area including […]

Take a Quiz on Hindu Diaspora

Please enter your email: 1. According to the Australian census of 2016, Hinduism was the fastest growing religion of Australia? Yes/No  Yes  No 2. When did the first Hindus came […]

Take a Quiz on Hindu History

Take a Quiz on Hindu History Please go to Take a Quiz on Hindu History to view the test Related Images:

Hinduism and the scientific heart – a book review

Pavan Verma of JDU has written a book on Adi Shankaracharya. His interview is very informative and is given below. Pavan Varma is a celebrated diplomat, cultural catalyst and public intellectual. […]

Europeans brought their caste system into India

By:Surinder Jain, 2nd July 2018. It is known what the word caste used so commonly in India comes from ‘casta’ in Portuguese. In Spanish America (and many other places), racial categories […]

Take a Quiz on Hindu Society and Institutions

Take a Quiz on Hindu Society and Institutions Please go to Take a Quiz on Hindu Society and Institutions to view the test Related Images:

Take a Quiz on Hindu Festivals

Test your knowledge about Hindu festivals. Please go to Take a Quiz on Hindu Festivals to view the test Related Images:

Take a Quiz on Hindu Symbols and Icons

Check your knowledge of Hinduism Please go to Take a Quiz on Hindu Symbols and Icons to view the test Related Images:

What Does Yoga Have to Do with Hinduism?

By: Hindu Human Rights Yoga is a deep science revealed by Mahadeva Himself in the Agamas. It is not just moving your arms and legs! Yoga is deeply rooted in […]

Take a quiz on Hindu Rituals

Please go to Take a quiz on Hindu Rituals to view the test Related Images:

Why sprinkle water around food before eating

Have you ever wondered why did your grand parents sprinkle water around their food before eating. Well, here is an explanation. Watch the video.   [Click here to read more […]

Thailand evolves its own mix of Budhist and Brahmin rituals

The new Brahmins The relevance of mixing Hinduism with Buddhism and folk beliefs in Thai history 12 Oct 2015 at 03:46 WRITER: MELALIN MAHAVONGTRAKUL  A man dressed in white blew […]

Take a Quiz on Hindu Beliefs

Please go to Take a Quiz on Hindu Beliefs to view the test Related Images:

Why do Gods look the way they do?

By: Surinder Jain. Hindus have many Gods and each God has his or her own form. We have Shiva sitting on an ice cold mountain top with a fountain of […]

Take a Quiz on What is Hinduism

  Please go to Take a Quiz on What is Hinduism to view the test             Related Images:

The Case for India by Will Durant

Book Review by : Vijai Singhal The Case for India This book was written by Will Durant, an American writer, historian and a philosopher in 1930 after visiting India. Given […]

Hindu Council’s FAQ on Hinduism

FAQs : Answers to frequently asked questions   [sp_faq category=”category_ID”] [More FAQ …] Related Images:

NetFlix’s controversial portrayal of Rajneesh

NetFlix has made a six part documentary on Osho (Bhagwan Rajneesh) called  Wild Wild Country, and is streaming it now. The six-part series tells the story of the Rajneshees, calling him an […]

Swami Vivekananda – an intuitive scientist

This is a brief summary of the book written by T.G.K.Murty in 2012 on 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami ji. (Vijai Singhal) Swami Vivekananda was a multifaceted genius. While his […]

Hinduism Today Releases Documentary: “The History of Hindu India”

KAUAI, HAWAII: The editorial team of Hinduism Today is pleased to announce the release of its professional documentary film, “The History of Hindu India” (Part 1), developed in collaboration with […]

At a mere 7 per cent, Bangladesh Hindus under threat, says US rights activist

By Express News Service  The minority Hindus in Bangladesh are facing the threat of ethnic cleansing, US rights activist Richard L Benkin has said.  Benkin said he is carrying out an indepth […]

SBS TV records growth of Hinduism in Australia

SBS (State Broadcasting Services) is an Australian TV and radio network supported by Australian government and specializes in ethnic community news. Decades ago when there were very few Hindus in […]

A Hindu Textbook Controversy in USA

The basic complaint by Hindus, including the American Hindu Education Foundation (HEF) is that previous textbooks have given an inaccurate and disparaging portrayal of their religion. While there are many […]

Christians students to visit India to learn how Hindus and Christians coexist in relative harmony

Students of George Fox University, a Christian college in USA plan to to visit various countries of the world including Sri Lanka/India to learn how Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains and Christians […]

Meet the Indian housewives studying to become Hindu priests in their ‘second innings’

At 72, Sailja Joshi has found her calling rather late in life. After a lifetime spent caring for others at home, this grandmother wants to join the workforce.  She is […]

Chardham Yatra

The Chardham Yatra can be easily called as one of the most popular pilgrimage circuits of India. Every year, around the same time, the routes to the Chardham, the four […]

Researchers Find 6000 Years old Rama and Hanuman carvings in Silemania, Iraq

One of the major triumphs of modern archaeology was the hair-raising discoveries of Sir Leonard Woolley at Ur. Amidst the ruins of Ur, he unearthed a Ram-chapel but totally missed […]

Freedom to teach religion in schools under threat according to Christians in NSW

May 5th, 2018 Rev. Hon. Fred Nile MLC, and Paul Green of Christian Democratic Party, wish to introduce the Anti-Discrimination (Religious Beliefs and Religious Activities) Bill in the Parliament in […]

Fasting Can Improve the Regenerating Ability of Intestinal Cells

Fasting is an integral part of Hinduism spiritual as well as many Yoga practices. Various types of fasts for periods varying from a few hours to several days are prescribed. […]

Negative stereotypes about Hindus

In any country or region, media plays a powerful role in influencing people’s beliefs and world views on a topic. If someone controls the message in the media, they have […]

Art telling Ramayana, Hindu story, at Carlos Museum

An exhibit of art at the Michael C. Carlos Museum of Emory University is highlighting events told in the Ramayana, a sacred text of Hinduism. The exhibit opened in January, […]

The most sacred Hindu places of worship in Bali

Pura Lempuyang Luhur is one of the oldest and the most revered temple in Bali, Indonesia. The temple is actually a collection of several temples along the hiking path to the summit. The main temple […]

Jakarta President urges Hindu community to improve quality of human resources

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has called on the Hindu community to improve the quality of human resources and to prepare for facing global challenges and rapid industrial development. “Global challenges […]

Shashi Tharoor – Why I am a Hindu

Dr Shashi Tharoor’s latest book was apparently meant to take on the Hindutva narrative, and demolish it. Sadly, it seems it will be one of those books celebrated at literary […]

Yezidis and Bangladeshi Hindus: A modern day Exodus story

By: Rachel Avraham, Israel National News. In the spirit of this time of year, we should recall the plight of the Yezidi and Bangladeshi Hindu people, who are experiencing a modern day […]

More Than 60 Hindu Homes gutted in Myanmar

More than 60 houses in a predominantly Hindu village in the Maungdaw district of Myanmar’s Rakhine state were gutted by fire on Thursday in an apparent act of negligence, a […]

Hindus mark Hanuman Jayanti in Trinidad & Tabago

Published: Thursday, March 29, 2018 This year, Hanuman Jayanti will be celebrated on March 31. The event is celebrated to commemorate the birth of the Hindu god Hanuman who is […]

Severe shortage of Hindu SRE teachers in NSW schools

NSW Currently there is an estimated short fall of about a 1,000 Hindu Special Religious Education teachers in NSW. 2017 Statistics In the enrollment year 2107, there were about 20,000 […]

Wealth of Heritage – A special volume on Padmanabhaswamy Temple

The Hindu newspaper brings out a special volume (its ninth in a series on southern Indian religious centers). Titled ‘Wealth of Heritage’, the special volume has articles, accompanied by an […]

How Americans came to embrace meditation

In the 1960s many Americans may have only known Hinduism through meditation, but the story of this country’s relationship with Hinduism is much longer and more complex. [Read more …] […]

Illinois and Iowa Senate-House open with Hindu prayers

India Post News Service CHICAGO: On February 27 and 28 respectively, Illinois State Senate and House of Representatives in Springfield started their sessions with Hindu prayers, containing verses from world’s […]

Nyepi – Balanese Hindus celebrate Saka Calendar Hindu New Year

 Nyepi is a Hindu celebration mainly celebrated in Bali, Indonesia. It is a day of silence, fasting and meditation for the Balinese. The day following Nyepi is celebrated as Hindu New Year’s Day. The same day […]

Hindu Council chapter in Victoria hosts Sri M’s discourse

By : Makarand Bhagwat Hindu Council of Australia’s  Victoria chapter organised a spiritual discourse by Sri M on 18th March, which also happened to be the Hindu new year. The […]

Western Australia adds a new chapter to Hindu Council

A WA chapter of Hindu Council of Australia has been established on 12th March 2018. First program will be to welcome HH Mahant Swami of BAPS by all Hindu Organisations. […]

The ‘Acharya envoys’ who propagate Indian culture

Three ‘ambassadors’, whose mandate is to spread yoga and the Vedas in the U.S., explain their vision and mission In a new initiative by the Narendra Modi government, a band […]

What If Everything Our Kids Know About Hinduism is Wrong?

Being born and raised in California, I have heard mixed messages about Hinduism from my parents, my school, and the religious organization that I grew up with (Sri Satya Sai […]

Hindu Saṁskāras

Hindu Saṁskāras (By: Vijai Singhal) Saṁskāras are sacraments or holy rites of passage that guide us about our responsibilities in life. There are some 40 Saṁskāras for different milestones in […]