Hinduism and the scientific heart – a book review

Pavan Verma of JDU has written a book on Adi Shankaracharya. His interview is very informative and is given below. Pavan Varma is a celebrated diplomat, cultural catalyst and public intellectual. His new book on the Shankaracharya throws startling light about Hinduism and its fascinating relationship with science.       Related Images:

Carl Sagan on How Hindu Culture is basis for modern Cosmic theories

By Jean-Pierre Dalbéra from Paris, France – Statue de Shiva Nataraja (Tanjore, Inde), CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51894760 Related Images:

Artificial Intelligence should be taught Compassion and non-voilence

In a forum on the theme of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) : Challanges and opportunities for religious communities, organized by and facilitated by Venerable Miao You, a demand was made by Surinder Jain of Hindu Council of Australia that Artificial Intelligence must be taught about various religions including Hinduism. Here is an excerpt of the speech. […]

Why does world’s largest particle physics lab CERN has a statue of Lord Shiva

Religion inspires Physics at CERN, Geneva : “Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our time, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology, religious art […]