Swami Paramananda Saraswati Meditation Sessions

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Support Counsellor of Hindu Traditions

Hindu Council of Australia in support of the Counsellor of Hindu Tradition (CHT) program which aims in delivering Vedic Chaplaincy. The program is aimed at developing skills in Hindu traditions, […]

Up coming Hatha Yoga programs by Isha Foundation

Surya Kriya A potent 21-step yogic practice of tremendous antiquity, designed as a holistic process for health, wellness, and complete well-being.  Surya Kriya activates the solar plexus within the system […]

Graduation Ceremony of Counselor of Hindu Traditions – Batch 1

Congratulations to the first batch for completing the Graduate Certificate Course in Counselor of Hindu Traditions (CHT) successfully Hindu Council of Australia (HCA) in collaboration and partnership with Hindu Community […]

Science of Happiness According to Yoga Vedanta – Discussion

Join the discussion led by Pravrajika Gayatriprana. Drawing on the book: Science of Happiness – According to Yoga Vedanta by Pravrajika Divyanandaprana: a compilation of her talks given to students at […]

Talk: Preparation for Meditation

Talk by Pravrajika Gayatriprana, senior nun of Ramakrishnba Order Via Zoom Sunday 26 September – 11 am to 12.30 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88634914266?pwd=c2l3OHcrbnUwS1FjQUVtRi9FOUNwdz09 Recorded and uploaded later to the Vedanta Society of NSW’s […]

Meditate in May – Australia’s largest Meditation Movement

A MONTH OF GUIDED MEDITATIONS WHERE WE WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE RESOURCES YOU NEED TO MEDITATE. Register for Meditate in May to participate in 31 Days of free live […]

Creating a Space for Meditation: Considerations for all Senses

Rather than make our lives more relaxed and more simple, technology seems to have complicated them. We seem to always be connected through texts, calls, emails and social media. There […]

Best Guided Meditations For Sleep

By: Alisa Paliano. Do you find it difficult to relax in the evening? Do you lie down in bed only to have your mind suddenly filled with to-do lists and […]

Spiritual retreat at Darama

Spiritual retreat at Darama. Please see details in the flyer attached. Related Images:

Meditation Retreat on 17 November

Meditation Retreat on 17 November at Vedanta Hall, 15 Liverpool Road, Croydon NSW 2132 Related Images:

FREE Evening of Wisdom, Music, Meditation with Swami Sadyojathah

This one-off evening is an opportunity for you to be in the divine presence of a world renowned yogi. The evening will provide a unique combination of deep spiritual knowledge, […]

Benefits of Spiritual meditation

By: John Parrot, Relax Like a Boss. Spiritual meditation is one of the most rewarding and inspiring practices you can introduce into your daily routine.     Related Images:

An Evening with Sadhguru in Sydney

Sadhguru is a contemporary mystic whose passion spills into everything that he encounters. He imparts yogic sciences in a format easily adaptable to modern lifestyles, empowering individuals to transform their […]

Pan-Australia Happiness Program with Sri Sri

An Exclusive Happiness Program which features a live online session with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living and Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique The Happiness Course is […]

Transformative benefits of Meditation

By: Paramhansa Yogananda. Meditation is the science of God-realization. It is the most practical science in the world. Most people would want to meditate if they understood its value and […]

It is not so cool – Being Shiva

Grief-stricken Shiva sat next to a funeral pyre, sobbing… crying his heart out; perhaps this was the only reminder of the warmth, which Sati provided Him. The haunting memories of […]

Study: Meditation Improves Anxiety and Cardiovascular Health

ONE HOUR OF MEDITATION can ease anxiety and improve cardiovascular health, a study from Michigan Technological University found.  After meditating for 60 minutes, researchers observed the participants had lowered heart rates and a […]

How Americans came to embrace meditation

In the 1960s many Americans may have only known Hinduism through meditation, but the story of this country’s relationship with Hinduism is much longer and more complex. [Read more …] […]