Voluntary Assisted Dying and Hindu Council of Australia

By: Surinder Jain. Voluntary assisted dying schemes have been in effect in the following states; -Victoria since 19 June 2019, -Western Australia since 1 July 2021, -Tasmania since 23 October […]


Indra’s wife Indrani used to have a parrot as a pet and loved it at a lot. One day the parrot got sick. Indrani showed the parrot to the doctor. […]

International Bindi/Tilak Day 2023

October 15 is being observed as International Bindi Day by Hinduism Worldwide INC in collaboration with the Hindu Council of Australia, the Global Hindu Federation, UMHV (United Malaysian Hindu Voice),  […]

Graduate Certificate Course in Counsellor of Hindu Tradition (CHT): 2023-2024 – Expression of Interest

Register today to become Counsellors of Hindu Tradition (CHT). Each year classes start in October. The 9-month Saturday/Sunday CHT course will make you a trained volunteer for community service to […]

Bhagavad Gita Fortnightly Class/ Discussion – 9 December 2022

Bhagavad Gita Discussion Date & Time: Friday 9 December, 7.00 – 8.45 pm Venue: Vedanta Hall, 15 Liverpool Road, Croydon Speaker: Pravrajika Gayatriprana Join us for Silent Meditation from 7 […]

A Guide for Health Care Professionals and Pastoral Care Workers

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Graduation Ceremony of Counselor of Hindu Traditions – Batch 1

Congratulations to the first batch for completing the Graduate Certificate Course in Counselor of Hindu Traditions (CHT) successfully Hindu Council of Australia (HCA) in collaboration and partnership with Hindu Community […]

Book Review & developing an agenda

India that is Bharat: Coloniality, Civilisation, Constitution.     A physical & online event resented by Friends of India Austra & Hindu Council of Australia Book review by Shri Bala […]

Regarding Euthanasia

Leaders of faith communities in NSW have been asked to express their position to the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2021. While major faiths of Australia unequivocally reject euthanasia and assisted […]

Saatvik Food webinar

Dont miss this webinar. Meeting link : https://meet.google.com/ajv-wqoh-qmp Hindu Council of Australia is not hosting this event and is not responsible for the views expressed therein. The participants in this […]

Give me your tired, your homeless say Hindus for over 2000 years

By: Surinder Jain. Hindus have been the most tolerant and accepting of people fleeing their homelands ever since people started fleeing their homes. Jews (also know as Yehudi) and Parsis […]

Catholics ask Hindu Council to help train their teachers on Hinduism

Mr Vijai Singhal, Director, Hindu Council of Australia was invited by the Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta to make a presentation to the teachers of Religious Studies in their Catholic […]

History – Hindus protect Polish Christian refugees from Nazi

During World War II when Hitler invaded Poland and started the war,  500 Polish women and 200 Polish children sought and were granted refuge in Hindu India when most European […]

Bioethics – a Hindu Perspective

By : Dr Raj Maheshwari. (The following is an abstract of the talk delivered by the author at the conference on “Core Ethical Teachings” at NSW Parliament House on 4 […]