Will Hinduism grow into an universal religion in Australia

What is Meant by Universal Religion? Each religion is characterised by its history, rituals, mythology, and philosophy which are not shared by other religions. Other non-Hindu religions all offer only […]

Graduation Ceremony of Counselor of Hindu Traditions – Batch 1

Congratulations to the first batch for completing the Graduate Certificate Course in Counselor of Hindu Traditions (CHT) successfully Hindu Council of Australia (HCA) in collaboration and partnership with Hindu Community […]

Book Review & developing an agenda

India that is Bharat: Coloniality, Civilisation, Constitution.     A physical & online event resented by Friends of India Austra & Hindu Council of Australia Book review by Shri Bala […]

Janmashtami Celebrations in Darwin

Hindu Council of Australia is celebrating Janmashtami for the first time in Darwin, along with Darwin Yoga & Meditation Australian School of Meditation and Yoga (ASMY) Let your family & […]

Science of Happiness According to Yoga Vedanta – Discussion

Join the discussion led by Pravrajika Gayatriprana. Drawing on the book: Science of Happiness – According to Yoga Vedanta by Pravrajika Divyanandaprana: a compilation of her talks given to students at […]

VICHAAR MANTHAN – A 21st Century Solution

HCA Hindu Youth Conference Presents – VICHAAR MANTHAN – A 21st Century Solution In this ever changing world, we as the youth of today are constantly questioning everything around us […]

UWS Orientation Day for International Students

By: Bhupinder Chabra. On Friday, 12 July 2019, University of Western Sydney organised an orientation day for international students. I met many new and established students during the orientation, provided […]

Hindu students suffer due to a lack of understanding of their faiths

Hindus have called upon faith based schools in Australia that their Hindu students should not be a target of conversion. They should not be asked to hide their faith as […]

Pakistani Hindus lose daughters to forced Muslim marriages

LAHORE, Pakistan — Anila Dhawan, 17 , was kidnapped last spring from her home in Hyderabad, forced to convert to Islam and marry her abductor. The police refused to intervene. […]

It is not so cool – Being Shiva

Grief-stricken Shiva sat next to a funeral pyre, sobbing… crying his heart out; perhaps this was the only reminder of the warmth, which Sati provided Him. The haunting memories of […]

The Unconventional Groom

Author: Jiten Damudre. The sight of Shiva riding a bull, his mount Nandi, smeared in ashes, bedecked with a garland of skulls, smoking a pot, and a mere tiger skin […]

Hindu Council to take up Nose Piercing restriction with Catholic establishment

By: Surinder Jain. Hindu Council of Australia has taken up the issue of a Hindu student being kicked out of a Catholic school for a religious nose piercing with Catholic […]

Hindu student kicked out of a Catholic school for a religious nose piercing

By: Hindu Human Rights – http://www.hinduhumanrights.info. Hindu girl in Perth Australia, has been barred from her Catholic school after she had her nose pierced for cultural and religious reasons. At […]

Australia’s first Hare Krishna schoolies: No sex, drugs, alcohol, gambling or meat

By :  Samantha Turnbull , ABC North Coast   Australia’s first all-Hare Krishna Year 12 class is shunning traditional Schoolies Week celebrations in favour of a trip to India, while […]

Survey of University Students

Hindu Council of Australia is conducting a survey of University going students to understand their issues and see how the local community can help them. Take a Survey here. Your […]

Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam explained to Youth Parliament of World Religions

The Youth PoWR conference was organized by the Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations to bring young representatives of different religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim, and Sikh) to one platform […]

The Indian-Australian millennials

ABC’s religion and ethics unit have published a story on why Indian-Australian millennials are choosing to have arranged marriages. Read about it here. Related Images:

Youth PoWR chooses a Hindu youth speaker

By:Vincy Jain. A Youth Parliament of World’s Religions is being held next month. Hindu council of Australia is participating as one of the organizers. Our youth member Vincy has been […]

Ashraya Band celebrates International Day of Yoga with concerts in Darwin

To celebrate International Day of Yoga, the kirtan band Ashraya will be joining the festivities in Darwin. On their second tour to the Top End, they bring their world grooves […]

SBS TV records growth of Hinduism in Australia

SBS (State Broadcasting Services) is an Australian TV and radio network supported by Australian government and specializes in ethnic community news. Decades ago when there were very few Hindus in […]

A new film on Love Jihad by Sudipto Sen

Renonwned film artist Sudipto Sen has made a new film titled ‘In the Name of Love-Melancholy of God’s Own Country’. A screening of the film was organised by Global Indian Foundation […]

Australian city Mayor promotes Yoga for mental health

CITY of Gosnells Mayor Glenn Dewhurst has urged kids to take up yoga as a way to help maintain mental health. Mayor Dewhurst joined children at Leisure World in Thornlie to […]

Youth start planning their Parliament of World’s religions for 2018

The cabinet of Youth Parliament of World’s religion met for its first meeting to plan its annual event. The first meeting has kick started the event planning. The emphasis in […]

Seeking Hindu youth for participation in Youth Parliament of World Religions 2018

Hindu Council of Australia has been invited to participate in this years Youth Parliament of the World’s Religions (Youth PoWR). The Parliament brings youth of different faiths together to promote […]