Science of Happiness According to Yoga Vedanta – Discussion

Join the discussion led by Pravrajika Gayatriprana. Drawing on the book: Science of Happiness – According to Yoga Vedanta by Pravrajika Divyanandaprana: a compilation of her talks given to students at […]

Dialogue with Death – Katha Upanishad Lecture Series – Sunday 10 October

Sunday 10 October: 11 am to 12.30 pm A monthly lecture series from April to November 2021 Event available live via Zoom:  and recorded and uploaded later to the […]

Discourse of Dr RVSS Avadhanulu, Canberra Chapter, HCA

Written By: Santosh Gupta. Photos by : Bibhuti Panda. Video by : Mitra Desai. Hindu Council of Australia, Canberra Chapter, organised a discourse of Dr RVSS Avadhanulu, an Eminent Vedic […]

Message of the Vedas and Upnishads

Message of the Vedas and Upnishads by Dr Avadhanulu Related Images: