Rangoli Competition – Deepavali 2021

Rangoli Competition – Deepavali 2021   Hindu Council of Australia presents an online Rangoli Competition. Registrations Closed   Participants who have already registered please email the rangoli photographs to rangoli@hinducouncil.com.au on or by […]

Bhagavad Gita Fortnightly Class/ Discussion 1 October 2021

Friday 1 October, 7.30 to 8.45 pm Via Zoom:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88434388900?pwd=UHI5cDRyZW9SZzdrRGN1bkdmV2h3Zz09 Group discussion led by Pravrajika Gayatriprana, a senior nun of Sri Sarada Math of the Ramakrishna Order. Continuing Study of […]

Dialogue with Death – Katha Upanishad Lecture Series

Sunday 12 September: 11 am to 12.30 pm VIA ZOOM: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81443035940?pwd=ME93eDF2VUZadWd2OWpScGVHa0RPdz09 Program: Talk/ PowerPoint Presentation given by Pravrajika Sridharaprana, a senior nun of the Ramakrishna Order. Q & A/ Discussion. […]

Understanding Hindu Dharma – A Rational Approach

By: Abhijit Bhide. Hindu Council of Australia ( HCA ) & Hindu Resonance Forum (HRF) are  inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.   Topic: Understanding Hindu Dharma – A […]