Hindu Council of Australia – Deepavali 2021 Dance Dhamaka

Deepavali festivities to feature light-up, Indian festival dance competition to begin with Something for everyone even as festivities take place for a second year amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Hindu Council […]

HCA Victoria Media Statement on Swastika

By: Makarand Bhagwat, Hindu Council of Australia. Related Images:

Victoria Govt response on Inquiry into Anti-Vilification Protection and its impact on Hindu Swastika

Report on Anti-Vilification Inquiry in Victoria and its consequences on Hindu Swastika On 2nd September 2021, Premier of Victoria Hon Daniel Andrews made an announcement related to Inquiry into Anti-Vilification […]

Ramayana Leadership Lessons & Australian Olympiad

What does the Ramayana Workshop Cover ? Three Sundays of Ramayana workshop and one Sunday of Ramayana OLYMPIAD. Lord Rama is the divine person who walked on earth thousands of […]

No to Vaccination passport for entry to a temple

By: Hindu Council of Australia. Temples should not be required to police their congregation for vaccination certificates. That is a job for the Police. Religious services should not be selective […]

Why Hindu Conference now

Why Hindu Conference now ? What sparked this event now ? There are many good reasons to have this in place, one of them being a number of incidents and […]

VICHAAR MANTHAN – A 21st Century Solution

HCA Hindu Youth Conference Presents – VICHAAR MANTHAN – A 21st Century Solution In this ever changing world, we as the youth of today are constantly questioning everything around us […]

Atrocities on minorities in Pakistan

By: Prakash Mehta, President, Hindu Council of Australia. On behalf of the Hindu community of Australia, we would like to raise a profoundly grave concern about ongoing Human rights abuse […]

Modern Civil Law Systems and Manu Smriti

Many modern Civil Law Systems in Europe and elsewhere are heavily influenced by Roman law. The civil law system is the most widespread system of law in the world, in […]

Hindu priests can go perform tervi (13th day memorial) at clients home in NSW during lockdown

I was approached by a number of Hindu priests enquiring if they can go to a clients home to perform puja and other rituals after a death in the family. […]

India’s Glorious Scientific Tradition

By: Vijai Singhal. “ We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.” _ Albert Einstein […]

Spiritual Harmony between Australian Aboriginals and Hindus

By: Vijai Singhal. A sacred ceremony was conducted by the Aboriginal elders Aunty Peggy and Aunty Cathy to welcome Prakruthi Mysore Gururaj, a Fijian Indian lady as their traditional family […]

Australian Hindu Conference Postponement

Dear all   We thank all the registered participants and the presenters for submitting their abstracts in time. We have fifty-one accepted papers and around 130 registered participants. As we […]

Dr Fiona Martin’s Office – Funding for Hindu Based Schools

By: Surinder Jain. MP Dr Fiona Martin, on behalf of Hindu Council’s representation,  has approached The Education Minister for funding Hindu Schools in NSW. Her letter to the MInister and […]

International Day of Yoga, Sydney

Hindu Council of Australia would like to invite you to the International Day of Yoga at Hunters Hill Sailing Club on Sunday 20th June 2021 at 10 am. Event: International […]

Hindu Benevolent Fund raises $50,000 to help India

By Neena Badhwar The Rig Veda says, “for a knowledgeable healer, the herbs rally together akin to an army of kings.” Yes, we need an army of all the kings of the […]

Conference on Hindu Religion in Australia — Its Roots and Growth

Hindu Religion in Australia — Its Roots and Growth, 3 July 2021 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER It is generally believed that the essence of the Hindu religion is known to […]

In solidarity dinner with Medical Professionals

You might have heard about the Project “Service the Needy” here locally where Hindu Council of Australia (HCA) helped. Thousands of needy people last year with grocery hampers, cooked meals […]

Australian Hindus saved from Greens parties attack

Hindu SRE under attack from Greens political party Hindu Council of Australia defends its member VHP Australia Inc. from an unprovoked and unnecessary attack from the Greens party in NSW […]

Stop insulting Hindu icons

Media Release – Stop insulting Hindu icons Related Images:

Fund Raising Life Saving Event 30 May 21

Hindu Benevolent Fund (HBF) is organizing a Fundraising event to save the lives of the Covid-19 affected most vulnerable people. Your contributions are very important in these unprecedented tough times […]

Hon Hugh McDermott asks David Shoebridge for unreserved public apology to Hindus

Legislative Assembly Hansard – 05 May 2021 – Proof (nsw.gov.au) Dr HUGH McDERMOTT (Prospect) (20:07): I rise to speak on the work undertaken by Vishva Hindu Parishad [VHP] Australia. In the recent […]

Labor’s Daniel Mookhey opposes Greens vilification of Hindus in NSW Upper House

You may be aware that a Greens party member of NSW Parliament had recently accused VHP, a Hindu not-for-profit organization of being an extremist organization. Mr Shoebridge’s allegation has been […]

Mark Latham calls out Greens parties vilifications of Hindus in Australia

A Greens party member of NSW Parliament had recently accused VHP, a Hindu not-for-profit organization of being an extremist organization. Mr Shoebridge’s allegation has been denied by the Police and […]

Minister Geoff Lee’s letter to David Shoebridge

You may be aware that a Greens party member of NSW Parliament had recently accused VHP, a Hindu not-for-profit organization of being an extremist organization. Mr Shoebridge’s allegation has been […]

Repeal the draconian criminal conviction and fine for Australian Citizens

Media Release – Repeal draconian criminal law for returning Australians from India Related Images:

Holi celebrated with Music, Dance, Colours and fun in Sydney

Hindu Council of Australia supported by Cumberland City Council the Festival of Colours Holi at Redgum Hall at Wentworthville on Sunday 21st March with great enthusiasm and fanfare. Holi is […]

Swaminarayan Sanstha – Bhumi Puja

Sunday 25th April, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha laid the foundations of what will be Australia’s largest Hindu temple in southern hemisphere, right here in Western Sydney. Shri Prakash Mehta National President […]

ANZAC Day Service 2021

By: Ashwani Jain. The Australia India Cenotaph Committee (A project of Hindu Council Australia) along with Hornsby RSL Sub Branch, Baulkham Hills Cadet Unit, Hornsby RSL Pipe Band and Hornsby […]

Rachna Soni – Gargi Award Winner Defense, Police, Fire & Emergency Services

One of the first women of Indian origin to become a Multicultural Police Officer in Australia. Though considered a daunting task to join the police force, the driven and talented […]

Nandini Shankara Narayana – Gargi Award Winner 2020 Science and Research

A specialist Endocrinologist, who recently completed a PhD in Andrology, with several notable research papers to her name. Nandini is one of the very few woman clinicians in Andrology (male […]

Kanan Shah – Gargi Award 2020 Winner Performing Arts

Runs the dance school NIPA, Nartan Institute of Performing Arts for over 8 years, training more than 700 students of all ages and abilities. Completed more than 500 performances in […]

Dr Rugmini Venkataraman – Gargi woman 2020 , Community Services

WINNER OF GARGI WOMAN 2020 – Community Services As a trained Sociologist has been working in academic and community development sectors, across India and Australia for the last 35 years […]

Indian soldiers’ sacrifices remembered at the ANZAC ceremony in Cherrybrook

By Neena Badhwar Hindu Council of Australia (HCA) along with Hornsby Shire council, RSL Hornsby celebrated special memorial service in memory of the sacrifices made by around twelve Anzacs of […]


ANZAC DAY SERVICE AT ANZAC JAWAN CENOTAPH CHERRYBROOK Hindu Council of Australia would like to invite you to Anzac Day service at Anzac Jawan Cenotaph at Greenway Oval Cherrybrook on […]

Greetings for the Hindu New Year

Greetings for the Hindu New Year Hindu Council of Australia wishes you and your family a very happy Hindu New Year that starts on 13 April 2021 which this year […]

Shoebridge’s Hinduphobia exposed as hollow lies and false propaganda

By: Hindu SRE Providers. A NSW Member of Parliament has made a baseless claim that Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) is a terrorist organization in NSW. The Hindu community is deeply […]

Holi-The Festival of Colours Presented by Hindu Council of Australia Proudly Supported by Cumberland

Holi-The Festival of Colours Presented by Hindu Council of Australia Proudly Supported by Cumberland Related Images:

Hindu Council supports Covid-19 vaccination

By: Bhagwat Chauhan. Hindu Council of Australia urges all Australians to get themselves vaccinated for Covod-19 as and when it becomes available to them. You can also find links below […]

Joint Statement on Hinduphobia

Joint Statement on Hinduphobia Related Images:


The Hindu Council of Australia joins all Faiths and Cultures to recognise International Women’s Day today, 8 March 2021 and admit to the fact that a lot more remains for […]

“Holi” the festival of colours and harmony

Holi ‘festival of colours’ is an ancient Hindu religious festival. It is celebrated at the approach of the spring equinox, on the Phalguna Purnima (Full Moon). It is also known […]


WANTED VOLUNTARY TEACHERS TO TEACH HINDUISM IN SCHOOLS   Hindu council of Australia is recognized as a Special religious Education provider to the department of education in NSW.   We […]

How to be a good student: Lessons from the Brahmasutras

Writings such as the Brahmasutras are focused on explaining the spiritual aspects of life. Such discussions are of little interest to those who are young (e.g., in school or university). […]

Hindu Dharama for Young Mothers – Teachers training

To register go to https://www.hinducouncil.com.au/new/events/dharma-2 Cost $20 Related Images:

Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmir -18th Jan 7:30pm, The Sudarshan Project

PROGRAM Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmir Jan 19th, 1990 The Kashmiri Pandit Exodus Day Monday, Jan 18th, 2021 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM Sydney|Canberra|Melbourne 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM India Watch […]

Daan – Makara Sankranti

The festival of Makar Sankranti is dedicated to the sun god. It is observed by Hindus on 14th January each year. The auspicious day marks the transit of the sun […]

Ongoing relief efforts to support those affected by Tropical Cyclone Yasa

Fijian Community Leaders & Friends of Fiji, kindly requesting if you can assist with disseminating the below information with regards to the ongoing relief efforts to support those affected by […]

The Hon Ros Spence, Minister of Multicultarism, Victoria

MIC0417-Letter-to-the-Hindu-Council-of-Victoria-CBM-141469   Related Images:

Understanding Hindu Dharma – A Rational Approach

By: Abhijit Bhide. Hindu Council of Australia ( HCA ) & Hindu Resonance Forum (HRF) are  inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.   Topic: Understanding Hindu Dharma – A […]

Covid-19 precautions in Northern Beaches area

As you may be aware that a Covid-19 breakout in Northern Beaches of Sydney has become a cause of concern for us all. Hindu community has shown utmost patience in […]


By: Swami Sunishthananda. THE SOURCE Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission are worldwide, non-political, non-sectarian spiritual organizations which have been engaged in various forms of humanitarian, social service activities for more than a century. Inspired […]

HCA Remembers the Victims of Terrorism 26 Nov 2008

By: Prakash Mehta, President, Hindu Council of Australia. The HCA is making this press release on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, that began on Wednesday 26 […]

26/11 – Mumbai’s Day of Reckoning with Terror

By: Raghbendra Jha, Professor of Economics, ANU. The 2008 terrorist attack on the Indian city of Mumbai (previously Bombay) beginning on 26th November (typically referred to as 26/11) and ending […]

Become a Hindu Dharma Ambassador

After successfully training hundreds in the United States, the Hindu American Foundation is pleased to provide this program in collaboration with the Hindu Council of Australia. As a Dharma Ambassador, […]

Ramayana in Popular Culture

By: Surinder Jain. Contemporary books on Ramayana Production of Ramayana continues even today. Contemporary versions of the Ramayana include Sri Ramayana Darshanam by Dr. K. V. Puttappa in Kannada and  Ramayana Kalpavrikshamu by Viswanatha Satyanarayana in Telugu, both of […]

Ramayana around the world

By: Surinder Jain. If you live in India, you can’t escape but know about Deepavali festival and about Ram Leela (Drama of Ramayan) performed in parks and street corners all […]

Why Hindus don’t eat NON-VEG food?

There are three qualities in food; सत्व, रजस् & तमस्। In our body too there are these three qualities & powers. Lets see what does these qualities do, 1. सत्व […]

Food – a Hindu Perspective

Food that we eat and how we eat it has a very deep connection with our health, wellbeing and spiritual growth. Hindu literature has great reverence and significance of food […]

Happy Navartri

By: Prakash Mehta.   Namaste and Wish you all Happy Navartri.    Year 2020 is challenging for all of us. In Australia we have one after another extraordinary circumstances. From […]

Hindu Scriptures and Practical Living – four Purusharthas

Hindu philosophy often focuses on Moksha (liberation or salvation). This is often combined with the idea of renunciation or giving up one’s desires. Technically, Hinduism does not advocate renunciation in […]

Sanatan Dharma – Published in 1916 by Managing committee Central Hindu College Benaras

Book_Sanatan_Dharma_elementry Related Images:

Bharatiya Mathematics

Bharatiya Mathematics The history of mathematics in India goes back over 3000 years. The ancient Indian mathematical works were composed in sūtras in Sanskrit language in verse form to aid […]

Reawakening of the Hindu Faith

https://swarajyamag.com/politics/reawakening-of-pagan-india-and-the-challenge-it-can-pose-to-abrahamic-worldviews-part-i A very interesting and informative article about the reawakening of the Hindu Faith with the reestablishment of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. INDIA, September 4, 2020 (Swarajyamag by George […]

COVID-19 Overseas Student Assistance

By: Makarand Bhagwat. Victoria Chapter of Hindu Council of Australia is assisting stranded overseas students in Metropolitan Melbourne by supplying groceries kits following the current Stage 4 restrictions.    So […]

Donate during Pitru Paksha – Help Corona sufferers

We are appealing to community again to support us with donations during second wave of Corona crisis.  During Pitru Paksha we are supposed to remember our fore fathers and perform […]

Thankyou Blacktown Council

Live telecast from Ayodhya of Ram Janama Mandir’s Bhumi Puja. Please like and comment thanking the Blacktown Council. Related Images:

Ramayan – its cultural footprint around the globe

Ramayan is one of the world’s great epics containing some 24,000 verses. The Valmiki Ramayan was supposed to have been composed in 5th century BCE as per modern historians. But […]

Stop this bill – It discriminates against our religions

One Nation NSW MLC Mark Latham has introduced a bill in NSW Parliament which will actively discriminate against new and minority religions. A Parliament committee is asking for people of faith […]

Sri Krishna Janmashtami

Hindu Council of Australia is inviting you to join us in celebrating Sri Krishna Janmashtami live on our facebook  Sri Krishna Janmashtami Time: Aug 12, 2020 05:30 PM AEST onwards […]

Huge Media Screen beaming live Bhumi pujan from Shri Ayodhya Dham

https://www.facebook.com/hinducouncil.australia/videos/1016116428825227 Related Images:

Have you been discriminated or faced hostility

Hindu Council of Australia is compiling stories of discrimination against Hindu community whether it is employment, provision of services or not accepting your qualifications.  If you have faced discrimination in […]

Celebration of construction of Bhagwan Shri Ram’s Temple at Ayodhya

A new chapter will be written in the history of Bharat (India), when the Hon Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone of the Temple […]

Hinduism and its relations to Buddhism

Hindu Council of Australia was invited by the Nan Tien Institute, which is a part of the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple in Wollongong to give a talk on the topic […]

Celebrating 6th International Yoga Day 2020

Hindu Council of Australia welcomes you all to join us to celebrate 6th International Yoga Day. We have come up with a unique program for you all to watch from […]

Repository of Hindu Scriptures

By: Viaji Singhal. This is a unique website is created by the IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Kanpur. It contains repository of Hindu Scriptures that includes Gita, Ramcharitamanas, Valmiki Ramayan, […]

India’s Glorious Scientific Tradition

By: Vijai Singhal. “We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.” _ Albert Einstein Most […]

International Yoga Day 2020

Related Images:

SBS appreciated HCA’s efforts

When the pandemic hit, the Hindu Council of Australia set up a national hotline to assist those in crisis. Sai Paravastu, the council’s director of community services, told SBS the […]

ABC appreciates HCA’s Spiritual impulses: Charity

Many of the world’s religions encourage generosity towards others – in some traditions, charity is a religious obligation. But whether or not you are a person of faith, religious charity […]

Yogic Science of Wellbeing during Pandemic

By: Vijai Singhal. In these times of complete lockdown due to Coronavirus we have to keep ourselves mentally and physically active for our own wellbeing. Yoga provides a complete science […]

Covid help survey form

HBF and Karma Kitchen are constantly endeavoring to provide help to needy students/elders. If you have asked us for help and have received the help, we urge you to fill […]

Baisakhi and New Year (Vaisakhi) Greetings

April 13-14 is celebrated in the Indian subcontinent as Baisakhi and the start of the Solar New year. Vaisakhi festival is celebrated especially in Punjab, mixes rich traditions with religious […]

Hindu council lobbys for immigration relief

Representatives from Hindu Council of Australia have attended a meeting with the immigration department to discuss the impact of Covid on our community. The meeting was attended by another 10 […]

COVID-19 Service to the needy

By: Prakash Mehta, National President. Hindu Council of Australia (HCA) through Karma Kitchen and Hindu Benevolent Fund  have come forward with their volunteers and sponsors to help and support the […]

Appeal to Universities to support Overseas Students

By: Prakash Mehta, President, Hindu Council of Australia. Hindu Council writes to University of Canberra to consider the reduction of fees as all class are running online and refund some […]

Get Help for Covid-19 crisis

If you are suffering from a crisis situation and would like to get help from Hindu Benevolent Fund, please fill out your request below: Related Images:

Donate to help Corona lockdown sufferers

DONATE TO HINDU BENEVOLENT FUND We are at present passing through an unprecedented crisis due to spread of COVID -19.  Many people within our Intercommunity are under great stress due […]

Covid-19 support for our community

Karma Kitchen and Hindu Benevolent Fund are two projects of Hindu Council of Australia that have come forward to help and support the community during this unprecedented crisis and lockdown. […]


By: Ashwani Jain As per Federal & State Government advisory about COVID-19, the Hindu Council Executive Committee has made the difficult decision to POSTPONE the Gargi Award 2020 presentation function. […]

Sanatana Dharma

Last week there was an event “Religious Founders Day” was organised by Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Australia. Ajith Ramyavaran from Hindu Svayam Sewak has presented on behalf of Hindus and has […]

International Gita Mahotsav 2020

I am attending IGM2020, are you? Witness awe inspiring exhibition displaying Bhagavad Gita verses, hear from world renowned scholars, immerse yourself in mass chanting and enjoy an evening filled with […]

Minister offers help to bushfire victims facing visa issues

If any one in our community is facing a visa or immigration related issue due to bush fires, please contact Hindu Council at http://hinducouncil.com.au/new/contact-us/ so that we can help you tide over your difficulties.

International Gita Mahotsav 21-24 March

By: Sai Paravastu. Hindu council of Australia in association with Association of Haryanvis in Australia is glad and excited to inform you that this year in March International Gita Mahotsav […]

Holi Festival – Cancelled

Presented by Hindu Council of Australia. Holi Festival   Cancelled   15th March 2020, 11am – 6pm Venue: Civic Park, Tarago Road, Pendle Hill   Related Images:

Kashmiri Hindus Exodus day

Please join us on 19th January 2020 evening at Sri Mandir in Auburn to pay respects to the life’s of Kashmiri Hindus lost in the ethnocide. Venue – Sri Mandir […]

The winning entries at Premier’s Multicultural Communications Awards.

CHAMPION COMMUNICATORS Reports on dowry abuse, the Christchurch terror attack and an innovative multilingual radio podcast for children were among the winning entries at tonight’s Premier’s Multicultural Communications Awards. Acting […]

Pro CAA support request.

Hi all. We kindly request you to show your support for a national cause. Please see details as attached. Related Images:

Citizenship Amendment Act by Indian Government.

Date 20 Dec 2019 Press Release Citizenship Amendment Act by Indian Government Hindu Council of Australia wholeheartedly supports a recent action taken by the Government of India to grant the […]

A Short Course on Hinduism in Jan 2020

Namaste, Hindu Council of Australia (Vic) is pleased to announce “A short course on Hinduism” on 18th and 19th January 2020 and I invite you to please register to attend. […]