Hamas killed 10 Hindu students from Nepal on 7th October 2023

It is a well known fact that Hamas terrorists (HAMAS–the acronym for Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya, Islamic Resistance Movement) committed extremely brutal torture, executions, rapes and kidnappings of Israeli citizens on […]

Stalker Stabs Minor Hindu Girl to Death on Her Way to School in Bangladesh, Accused Absconding

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CHINGARI Asia Pacific – 2022

Namaste All, Every year the United Nation celebrates 20th Feb as World’s Day of Social Justice. This year the day was celebrated to achieve Social Justice through formal employment. However, […]

India to grant e-visas to 100 Hindus and Sikhs of Afghanistan on priority

India to grant e-visas to 100 Hindus and Sikhs of Afghanistan on priority. Related Images:

Watch The Kashmir Files – 11th March in a cinema near you

To make a booking, click here To make a booking, click here       Related Images:

Recent attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh by Islamic Fundamentalists

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Bangladesh’s Hindus living in fear following mob attacks

Anbarasan Ethirajan – BBC News Fri, 22 October 2021, 8:59 pm·6-min read.       Related Images:

Stop killing Hindus: Condemnation of atrocities on Hindus in Bangladesh

While Bangladeshis are celebrating the Durga Puja, the biggest festival of Hindus, the horror of violence and atrocities committed by the religious Extremists has overshadowed the festivity. The religious Extremists […]

Hindu Genocide in Bangladesh by Jihadi’s continues

You may have been aware that there have been vicious attacks on the minority Hindu Community. As we understand it, there were attacks and vandalism across the country, during the Durga Puja […]

Guru Granth Sahib from Kabul at Delhi airport — defines the soul of India

By: Zarir Bamji, Sydney, Australia. An Indian Moment, Modi’s Golden Hour https://www.rediff.com/news/column/an-indian-moment-modis-golden-hour/20210825.htm   It showed that Sikhs and Hindus in Kabul — wherever they are, whatever passport they possess — […]

Atrocities on minorities in Pakistan

By: Prakash Mehta, President, Hindu Council of Australia. On behalf of the Hindu community of Australia, we would like to raise a profoundly grave concern about ongoing Human rights abuse […]

Kashmir Ethnic Cleansing – January 18, 2021 12:00 pm, Facts India Group

Panel Discussion on Kashmir Ethnic Cleansing 18/01/2021 – 12:00 pm A Panel Discussion organized by Facts India Group on Kashmir Reforms, Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits and Exploitation of minority […]

Forced exodus of Hindus from Kashmir – Jan 19, 7:30pm – Hindi Gaurav Australia

Forced exodus of Hindus from Kashmir – The Black Day Forced exodus of Hindus from Kashmir – The Black Day, January 19, 2021 – 7:30 pm   Related Images:

Panel discussion 18th Jan 2021 – Kashmir Ethnic Cleansing

Facts India Group (FIG- a Think Tank/ Policy Group will organise a Panel discussion scheduled for 18/1/21 (12-1 PM Australia time) to be released on 19/1/21- the day on which […]

HCA Remembers the Victims of Terrorism 26 Nov 2008

By: Prakash Mehta, President, Hindu Council of Australia. The HCA is making this press release on the anniversary of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, that began on Wednesday 26 […]

26/11 – Mumbai’s Day of Reckoning with Terror

By: Raghbendra Jha, Professor of Economics, ANU. The 2008 terrorist attack on the Indian city of Mumbai (previously Bombay) beginning on 26th November (typically referred to as 26/11) and ending […]

NSW Parliament fails to mention human rights of Kashmiri Hindus

By: Devender Jain. The News Item published in Pakistani paper Dawn on 7/8/20, refers:https://www.dawn.com/news/1572980 Basically, it welcomes a motion tabled in New South Wales Parliament of Australia, expressing concern over […]

Book Review – Delhi Riots 2020

The Book Delhi Riots 2020 is based on a study of ground events of street violence North East Delhi from February 23 to February 26 2020 that took the form of communal riots. The book is based on detailed ground data collection including compilation of documentary evidence; research surveys with locals, victims and community leaders from Muslim and Hindu communities in North East Delhi. The team of five researchers from GIA (Group of Intellectuals and Academicians) went to North East Delhi from 29 February 2020 to 10 March 2020 to collect data in the violence They submitted a report to the Minister of State for Home GOI, Sh. G Kishen Reddy on 11 March 2020.This book is based on the report.

A Hindu Girl murdered in Pakistan

By: Gulf News, Pakistan. Dubai: The brother of Pakistani Hindu medical student Nimrita Kumari who was found dead in her hostel room, on Monday, suspects foul play. Kumari’s brother, Dr Vishal, […]

Only Modi has the ticker to revoke Article 370 and give justice to Kashmiri Hindus

By Vijay Badhwar Only the Modi Government could do this – to revoke Article 370 – a folly that had festered for 70 years, simmered and boiled over in two […]

Hindu Council welcomes Abrogation of Article 370 by Indian Government

State sponsored Pakistan’s back terrorism perpetrated ethnic cleansing of Hindus from valley. This action of abrogating Article 370 will be the key to bring peace and prosperity to South Asia and especially in Northern region of Jammu and Kashmir.

Ethnic cleansing in Kashmir of Indigenous Hindu Population – Part 2

A documentary by American Hindu Foundation. See part 2 here. Part – 2 : 15,000 civilians killed.   Related Images:

Afghanistan’s dwindling Sikhs and Hindus

By : Hindu Portal.   Related Images: