Pak Hindus and Religious Freedom discussed at APRO

By: Surinder Jain, Hindu Council of Australia. A meeting of APRO (Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations) was held on 15th April. APRO is a national level Interfaith body. They aim […]

Government delays religious freedom bill until after election

Ben McEachen | April 10th, 2019 (Eternity News) But launches inquiry into anti-discrimination laws Related Images:

Hindus lobby for Religious Freedom in Australia

By : Surinder Jain. Hindus represented by Hindu Council of Australia along with representatives of Anglican, Catholic, Islamic and Buddhist faiths are meeting various federal MPs and impressing upon them […]

PM ScoMo fights for religious freedom despite the opposition

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Attorney-General Christian Porter have released the Ruddock Religious Freedom Review and the government’s response. Although the Ruddock panel said that Australia does not need a […]