Religious Freedom Survey

We are conducting a study of religious people’s experience of religious freedom and discrimination, and of their attitudes toward lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and other genders and sexualities such as […]

PM ScoMo fights for religious freedom despite the opposition

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Attorney-General Christian Porter have released the Ruddock Religious Freedom Review and the government’s response. Although the Ruddock panel said that Australia does not need a […]

Religious freedom collides with anti-discrimination laws in Australia

By: Surinder Jain. Religious freedom is fundamental to Australian identity said the Australian Prime minister Scott Morrison. And Australians voted in favor of anti-discrimination laws to protect the rights of […]

Australia’s first religious same sex marriage performed in a Synagogue

Australia has recently permitted same sex marriage. While many such marriages have been held in civil ceremonies, most religions have been reluctant to embrace the change and incorporate LGBT in […]