Hindu Articles

Shree Rama

By: Veera Lavoji. Why Sree Raama Raajya should be our guiding model is because IT Inspires us to attain that ...

Ayodhya Verdict – a landmark for human history

By: Surinder Jain. A five hundred year old wrong has been done right by the supreme court of India. Bhagwan ...

Yogic Science of Wellbeing during Pandemic

By: Vijai Singhal. In these times of complete lockdown due to Coronavirus we have to keep ourselves mentally and physically ...

Why Hindus do Circumambulation (प्रदक्षिणा) around the Deity?

Hinduism is the oldest Civilization & only one which is based on Science. In Hinduism whatever is practiced is not ...

Carl Sagan on How Hindu Culture is basis for modern Cosmic theories

By Jean-Pierre Dalbéra from Paris, France - Statue de Shiva Nataraja (Tanjore, Inde), CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51894760 ...

Why do Gods look the way they do?

By: Surinder Jain. Hindus have many Gods and each God has his or her own form. We have Shiva sitting ...

The Case for India by Will Durant

Book Review by : Vijai Singhal The Case for India This book was written by Will Durant, an American writer, ...

Why sprinkle water around food before eating

Have you ever wondered why did your grand parents sprinkle water around their food before eating. Well, here is an ...

Europeans brought their caste system into India

By:Surinder Jain, 2nd July 2018. It is known what the word caste used so commonly in India comes from ‘casta’ ...

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