Science of Happiness According to Yoga Vedanta – Discussion Series – Friday 25 February

Friday 25 February

From 7 pm at Vedanta Hall, 15 Liverpool Road, Croydon, for Meditation
OR From 7.30 pm join via  ZOOM:

Group discussion led by Pravrajika Gayatriprana, a senior nun of Sri Sarada Math of the Ramakrishna Order.


  • Why Has This World Been Created?: Swami Vivekananda calls it a ‘moral gymnasium.’ Viewed in this way, challenges and setbacks become opportunities for a ‘work out,’ to flex our willpower, to stretch our problem-solving skills.
  • Creation is a Mirror: Ramana Maharshi, the 20th Century sage from South India, observed that ‘Creation is the mirror in which your ‘I’ sees itself.’ If we can do that we’ll develop the ability to ‘relate with others as an extended version of ourselves.’
  • Insights into Evil: How to relate to an evil person? Carefully, no doubt, but also being mindful that it is their deluded mind that is evil; but underlying that – temporarily obstructed – is unsullied consciousness. Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.
  • Removing Hate & Anger: If we can separate sin from sinner we can at least imagine there is one pure being working through different bodies and minds. This is a powerful path to removing hate and anger from our minds.

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Drawing on the book: Science of Happiness – According to Yoga Vedanta by Pravrajika Divyanandaprana: a compilation of her talks given to students at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology in New Delhi in 2018.

Pravrajika Divyananandaprana is a nun of Sri Sarada Math of the Ramakrishna Order. Thousands view her talks on YouTube.

Our discussions tap into the wisdom of major world faiths and thinkers relating them to our daily life. You’re welcome to share your insights, experiences, and doubts with the group.

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