Raja Yoga Monthly Talk: 20 March

Sunday, 20 March, 11 am to 12.30 pm

Join us in Vedanta Hall, 15 Liverpool Road, Croydon, from 10.45 am or from 11 am via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88634914266?pwd=c2l3OHcrbnUwS1FjQUVtRi9FOUNwdz09

Talk/ PowerPoint presentation by Pravrajika Gayatriprana, a senior nun of Sri Sarada Math of the Ramakrishna Order, followed by Question/ Answer session.

In this Talk: of Chapter 4 – Independence – Sutras 12 -18

  • In these aphorisms, we gain insights to “understand our human situation, rather our mental condition: how our mind works, how it gathers ideas, impressions, tendencies, how it becomes a victim.”
  • Past and present thoughts, feelings, speculations, and fears about the future harass us. They can become unified and dynamic, sweeping us along positive or negative paths. We must be alert to the wiles of the mind and emotions for a smoother trek through life.
  • How to have a correct view of anything? Gather as many views – especially those opposed to your own – appraise them, then reappraise your own; because no view is perfect. Learn more in the talk and discussion.

Learn more in the talk this Sunday. 

Raja Yoga: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali is a major work on the practice of yoga and meditation formulated over 2,000 years ago. They teach us how to control our mind and achieve inner peace and freedom.

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