Hindu Council supports Covid-19 vaccination

By: Bhagwat Chauhan.

Hindu Council of Australia urges all Australians to get themselves vaccinated for Covod-19 as and when it becomes available to them.

You can also find links below to Consumer Medicines Information about the COVID-19 vaccines:



 Enclosed please find further information from the Australian government.

Thank you for your support over the past year during the COVID-19 pandemic response in NSW. Although it has been a challenging time, everyone in the NSW community has really come together. As leaders of your community, we would like to continue to partner with you throughout this journey.


As you are aware, in a major milestone in our COVID-19 response Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program, which is being led by the Australian Government, has started to roll out in NSW.


The COVID-19 vaccination program commenced in NSW on 22 February 2021 with those at highest risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus, or of severe disease, receiving the first doses of the vaccine, including our healthcare workers, quarantine and border staff who have been working so hard to keep us safe, as well as aged and disability care staff and residents.


In NSW, the first phase of vaccinations is being administered through three initial vaccination hubs at Westmead, Liverpool and Royal Prince Alfred Hospitals to 35,000 at risk workers over a three-week period. Since 10 March 2021, additional vaccination hubs and clinics are beginning to open to support the roll-out of the vaccination program.


Following this, COVID-19 vaccines will be offered to other priority groups, then progressively made available to the rest of the population. We will provide further information on each of these phases once timing and details are confirmed. People can check which phase they will become eligible for the vaccine at nsw.gov.au. Information will be shared widely with the public, so everyone knows when it is their turn to be vaccinated.


The COVID-19 vaccines approved for use in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), have proven to be safe and effective. They are free for everyone in Australia, including those without a Medicare card.


While COVID -19 vaccines are voluntary, I strongly encourage you and your community to get the vaccine. The vaccines, together with continuing to practise COVID safe behaviours (including staying home if unwell and getting tested as soon as you have any COVID-19 symptoms, keeping 1.5 metres apart from people you don’t live with, having good hand hygiene, and wearing a mask on public transport and when you can’t physically distance), are the best ways to protect your family, friends and community.


Further information


We know that many people have questions or want more information about the COVID-19 vaccines and are likely to look to you for guidance. We will be providing information and resources on the COVID-19 vaccination program in NSW as program details are finalised, to support your important role in keeping your community informed over the coming months.


As a key leader of your community, we seek your assistance in reaching out and providing accurate, current and consistent messages to your community to ensure all NSW residents are properly informed about the COVID-19 vaccination program.


To assist, please see the links to current COVID-19 vaccination information and resources, below. We would also like to hear from you if your community has any specific information needs or questions. I value any feedback and advice so that we can continue to engage effectively with you and your community during this time. Please contact the Ministry of Health Communications team directly on MOH-COVID19Communications@health.nsw.gov.au



Thank you again for your ongoing support.



Dr Kerry Chant PSM

NSW Chief Health Officer

Deputy Secretary, Population and Public Health

Ministry of Health





Australian Government COVID-19 vaccine information hub with information available in 63 languages:


COVID-19 vaccines | Australian Government Department of Health


Australian Government COVID-19 vaccine information answering commonly asked questions and misinformation related to the COVID-19 Vaccination program:


COVID-19 vaccines | Australian Government Department of Health COVID-19 vaccines – Is it true?


NSW Government COVID-19 vaccine program information:




NSW Government COVID-19 vaccination FAQs:




General COVID-19 CALD resources:





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