Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna – Monthly Talk – 1 May 2022

Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna – Monthly Talk

Sunday 1 May

10.30 am: Vedanta Hall, 15 Liverpool Road, Croydon, open for Meditation
11 am Talk commences OR: join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88634914266?pwd=c2l3OHcrbnUwS1FjQUVtRi9FOUNwdz09

Talk and PowerPoint Presentation by Pravrajika Gayatriprana followed by Guided Meditation by Pravrajika Ajayaprana.

Recorded and uploaded later to: Vedanta Society of NSW YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/vedantasocietyofnsw

In this talk Chapter 25 – June 30, 1884 – Advice to Pundit Shashadhar


“Pundit Shashadhar was one of the renowned Sanskrit scholars of his time — a pillar of orthodox Hinduism, which had reasserted itself after the first wave of Christianity and Western culture had passed over Hindu society. His clear exposition of the Hindu scriptures, his ringing sincerity, and his stirring eloquence had brought back a large number of the educated young Hindus of Bengal to the religion of their forefathers.”

The Pundit had come to visit Sri Ramakrishna returning a visit Sri Ramakrishna had made to him six days earlier.

In the meeting, Sri Ramakrishna describes how scriptures are needed only in the early stages of spiritual life. Having learnt about the path to God from the scriptures, the seeker must be up and doing, deepening their spiritual life, bringing them ever closer to God.

Sri Ramakrishna also talks about: the eternal divine play in which we find ourselves enmeshed, the different kinds of joy, and what happens to the body after the realization of God.

The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna: The conversations between Sri Ramakrishna, the 19th-century mystic and promoter of interfaith understanding, and the brilliant, questioning minds of Calcutta. In Sri Ramakrishna, they came face-to-face with a type of Spirituality and mystical states they had only read about. Translated from Bengali by Swami Nikhilananda with the literary help of Margaret Woodrow Wilson, daughter of President Woodrow Wilson and Joseph Campbell, foreword by Aldous Huxley.

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