ISKCON Ratha Yatra in Liverpool on 13th July

Open invitation to everyone to come and participate in the 

Rathayatra – Festival of Chariots

Bigge Park, Liverpool

Saturday, 13th July 2024, 10:00 am


Lord Jaganatha has again agreed to personally come and give darshan to everyone in the famous city of Liverpool on Saturday, 13th July 2024 at 10 am.

 Ratha Yatra, the festival of the chariots, is a procession of Lord Krishna in his form of Jagannatha, Lord of the Universe. Traditionally held during June/July, in Puri, eastern India, where hundreds of thousands of pilgrims sing and dance in the procession, the festival now takes place in cities all over the world.

 We are planning to pull the 2-tonne, 6-metre high Ratha Cart from Bigge Park, Liverpool so need a lot of Volunteers to come and help pull the Ratha Cart.

 The Vedic scriptures state that anyone who sees Lord Jagannatha or pulls His chariots achieves immense spiritual benefit, attaining liberation from the material world and entrance into the eternal blissful pastimes of the Lord. Anyone who has experienced the Rathayatra has surely experienced ecstasy. The mood of the day is charged with devotion, excitement and complete surrender as devotees brush the streets before the chariot. The sea of people in the procession calls out loudly for the Lord´s attention as they eagerly await their turn to pull the cart or sweep the streets. The entire atmosphere is one of happiness, joy and celebration.

Jagannatha Swami nayana pata gami bhavatu me!                         

   “O Jagannatha, Lord of the Universe, please be visible before my eyes.”

 Don’t miss this opportunity to personally pull Lord Jaganatha and rapidly progress in your spiritual life!

Bring your family and friends along. All are welcome! Free Admission!

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