Hindu Council of Australia

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Take a Quiz on Hindu Scriptures

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1. Sankhya, Nyaya, Yoga, Vedanta and other schools of Hindu philosophy all have the same core scriptures? Yes/No


2. Ancient Hindu scriptures were written in which language?


3. Shruti texts were never revised and passed are one from one generation to next as it is? Yes/No


4. Each Smriti text was written by an author and they have gone through many revisions?


5. Shruti texts are considered as core scriptures of Hinduism?


6. Which of the following Hindu texts are classified as Shruti texts?


7. Do Nāstika (heterodox) philosophies such as the Cārvākas accept the authority of the śrutis?


8. Vedas were written about 4,500 years ago? Yes/No


9. What are the names of the four Vedas?


10. According to Mahabharat, how were Vedas created?


11. Which of the following is the oldest Veda?


12. Chandogya Upanishad and Kena Upanishad are embedded in the Vedas? Yes/No


13. Atharva Veda is the oldest record of  practices in medicine and healing of Indo-European antiquity?


14. The Upanishads contain philosophical concepts and ideas of Hinduism, some of which are shared with Buddhism and Jainism? Yes/No


15. Puranas contain history and geography of ancient Hindu land? Yes/No


16. Shastaras mean a treatise on a certain area of expertise? Yes/No


17. Sutras are like a theorem where in a knowledge has been distilled into a few words? yes/No


18. Ancient Hindu history can be found in Mahabharata, Ramayan and Puranas? Yes/No


19. The three main branches of Agama texts are Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism? Yes/No


20. The word Tantrism can be found in ancient Indian texts? Yes/No


21. A Stotra is a piece of prose describing a difficult concept for lay readers? Yes/No


Question 1 of 21