Hindu Council of Australia

Proposed law on misinformation on social media

Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of all successful cultures, fostering innovation, progress, and human flourishing. Conversely, the absence of free speech in many nations stifles creativity, perpetuates fear, and hinders scientific advancement, ultimately leading to economic stagnation and authoritarian rule.
When free speech is suppressed, as seen in Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, and North Korea, citizens are reduced to virtual serfdom, and their nations become economic basket cases. However, it’s essential to distinguish between genuine free speech and violence masquerading as free expression. Violence and hate speech are not only harmful but also antithetical to the principles of free speech, as they silence marginalized voices and create a culture of fear.
Advocating violence or using it to silence others is a recipe for authoritarianism. To protect Australians from harm, intimidation, and fear, we support balanced measures that ban hate speech while safeguarding free expression. This may require some limitations on free speech, but such sacrifices are necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens. By striking this balance, we can foster a culture of constructive debate, peaceful resolution of differences, and protection from those who seek to harm others.
A restriction on free speech for mis or disinformation should be decided via a judicial process. It should not depend on the ideological leanings of a bureaucrat appointed by a government. Information Commissioner should be able to stop a post on social media for no more than 48 hours during which time, the judicial process should kick in. Very similar to the judicial concept of arrest of a person.