Hindu Council of Australia

Carer Gateway, a free Australia wide service

It is important that carers have access to a range of supports and services that can help them manage tough times.


Your organisation has been identified as possibly providing support and services for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds (CALD) in Australia who may be unpaid carers.

You can further help carers in your community by sharing information about Carer Gateway.

What is Carer Gateway?

Carer Gateway is a free Australia-wide service that provides a range of support and local services.
This includes culturally sensitive and in-language services to improve carer well-being, skills and knowledge. Skilled and professional staff are available on the confidential phone line at 1800 422 737 Monday to Friday, between 8 am and 5 pm to provide carers the support they need.
The types of services offered through Carer Gateway include:

  • Tailored support packages
  • Peer support
  • Counselling and coaching
  • Skills courses
  • Planned and emergency respite
  • Information on additional government supports including payments to support carers and the people they care for

Carers can also go to www.CarerGateway.gov.au for more information.

Resources in this Kit

  • A fact sheet translated into eight languages
  • Case studies translated into various languages
  • Short video testimonials from two unpaid carers
  • Two short videos for posting through social media
  • A multilingual poster
  • An electronic newsletter copy.

Should you have further questions or require assistance, please feel free to contact projects@embracesociety.com.au