Hindu Benevolent fund – help needed for Funeral expenses

Hindu benevolent Fund has been approached by a resident of Sydney whose ailing mother has been suffering with cancer. We appeal everyone to contribute whatever they can towards this noble cause. A Hindu Benevolent Fund team consisting of Mr Ashwani Sharma and Ajay Khanna has visited the mother and her family and have reported that the family is in need of these funds. 

Following people have already made donations for this cause:


Parveen Gupta

March 17, 2019

Amount Donated

Appupillay Balasubramaniam

March 17, 2019

Amount Donated

Ashish Desai and Ravi

March 17, 2019

Amount Donated

Abhishek Pundir

March 18, 2019

Amount Donated

Surinder Jain

March 17, 2019

Amount Donated
Anonymous User


March 19, 2019

Amount Donated

Suresh Vashist

March 23, 2019

Amount Donated

Danveer Bhasin

March 17, 2019

Amount Donated

You can also make a donation here

$1,735 of $6,000 raised
Personal Info

Billing Details

Donation Total: $50.00

Hindu benevolent Fund has been approached by a resident of Sydney whose ailing mother has been suffering with cancer.

We appeal everyone to contribute whatever they can towards this noble cause.

A Hindu Benevolent Fund team consisting of Mr Ashwani Sharma and Ajay Khanna has visited the mother and her family and have reported that the family is in need of these funds.

You can make a donation via bank transfer to

BSB: 062-004 Account: 10447020

or pay by your credit card here.

“My 94 year old mum had a massive stroke and in her last stages in bed a hospital. I am the only son of my mother and I had to leave my job three years ago to take care of my mother who at that time had a serious cancer operation lasting for 10.5 hrs and consequently in hospital for over 6 months.

As I could not get leave I have to leave my job to take care of mum and my wife is also not working. Hence I am financially in a very bad position living only on carer allowance.

Under the circumstances can u please guide me if there were any social organizations in Sydney who can help me with regard to funeral costs. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks”


Hindu Benevolent Funds Team


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