Hindu Benevolent Fund

Hindu Council of Australia has taken an initiative to open a Hindu Benevolent Fund and has launched Hindu Benevolent Fund (HBF) in the Deepavali festival in Oct 2017. HBF is a Hindu Council’s community initiative to have a benevolent fund to provide financial support to individuals and families in dire need of financial help to meet their day to day needs. Although Hindu Council and its members have been helping those in need for many years, it was decided to launch a formal initiative to continue these activities.
Funds for HBF will be raised from community on regular basis to keep an optimum level to meet any emergency requirement. The funds will be raised on appeal to meet the needs of specific requirement. Fund raising events will also be conducted during the year with help and support of well wishers.
The funds will be given to person or families in need after assessing their needs by a dedicated team assigned to deal with such cases. Community is encouraged to report to HBF such cases in dire need of support by contacting us [click here] or by ringing HBF on 1300HINDUS (1300 446387).
Broad Objectives of this fund are :
- Help families and individuals with unexpected expenses
- High medical expenses including funeral expenses
- Aid victims of natural disasters
- Unexpected Parenting Expenses
- Help in case of Bereavement
- Aid Domestic violence victims
HBF will strive to support and help all the such cases based on merits and finances available at that time. HBF will also help in to provide access additional support from government and non-government agencies to the individuals and families. An efficient database of such agencies will be maintained and working relationship will established.
The Hindu Council of Australia appeals to all to help in this noble initiative by volunteering, supporting and donating to the Hindu Benevolent Fund. Benevolence is the desire to help someone, can be an act of kindness or a gesture of goodwill toward others.
Please deposit or transfer donations to the following bank account :
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Account Name – HCA Benevolent Fund
BSB : 062004, Account : 10447020
Contact us [click here] or by ringing HBF on 1300HINDUS (1300 446387)
Some of the cases that have been helped in the past
- Funeral of a premature/ Still born Baby
- Almost half price Funeral of a drowned person
- Accommodation and some financial help of a hospitalized INDIAN student.
- Transportation of a deceased body to India
- Rehabilitation of a female marriage victim from immigration detention center to PR status.
- Helping a Marriage Victim female to a normal life through community services.