Hindu Council of Australia

Changes to Abortion laws and Hindu stand

By: Surinder Jain.

Hindus believe that all life is sacred. The principle of Ahimsa (non-harming) emphasizes minimizing intentional harm. Hindu scriptures like the Chakra Samhita and Bhagwat Purana suggest that the soul enters the foetus at conception while Garbha Upnashid claims this happens in the seven month of gestation. Hinduism recognizes that ethical decisions, depend on circumstances, stage of life and other factors. Many Hindu organisations, like the Hindu American Foundation, support a woman’s right to choose and control her own body, including access to abortion.

Abortion is legal in Australia. A change in the law is being proposed to make it even easier.

Hindu Council is opposing provisions of the proposed changes that may force a doctor or a nurse or other medical workers to participate in an abortion if they it is against their religious or conscious beliefs. Hindu Council is also seeking exemptions for faith based hospitals to not to participate in and offer abortions.


Read more at Abortion law reform proposed in NSW after Orange hospital ‘ban’ – ABC News