May Maa Saraswati bless us all with intellect, wisdom, and the ability to walk the righteous path.
“Ya Kundendu Tusharahara Dhavala Ya Shubhra Vastraavrita,
Ya Veena Varadanda Mandita Kara Ya Shweta Padmasana।
Ya Brahmachyuta Shankara Prabhritibhir Devaih Sada Vandita,
Sa Mam Patu Saraswati Bhagavati Nihshesha Jadyapaha॥”
Meaning –
Line 1: I salute Mother Saraswati who is so pure and white like that of jasmine, moon,
and a garland of pearls; she is the one who is adorned with sparkling white garments.
Line 2: whose hands are adorned with the Veena and grants boons; who is seated on
a pure white lotus
Line 3: Who is always worshipped by Brahma (the creator), Achyuta (Vishnu or the
protector), Shankara (Shiva or the destroyer) and all the devas (gods)
Line 4: Oh Mother Saraswati, the divine one, protect me and dispel all my ignorance
It’s a beautiful prayer to the Divine Mother Saraswati for bestowing so much of her grace and
love! Saraswati Mantra is a highly powerful one and is easy to learn. recited every morning to
mark a good beginning of the day and to start the day on a positive note.
May Maa Saraswati bless you with wisdom, intellect, and success in all your