Hindu Council of Australia
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1. Of all the Goals of Human life, Dharma is the most important? Yes/No
2. Dharma means one’s religious duties and does not include worldly duties? Yes/No
3. Artha or making money and acquiring wealth is not important in Hinduism? Yes/No
4. Kaama or pursuing sensual pleasures is prohibited in Hinduism? Yes/No
5. After death, one is usually reborn again into the world? Yes/No
6. Release from the cycle of death and rebirth is called Moksha? Yes/No
7. Moksha means liberation from sorrow, suffering and a state of constant bliss? Yes/No
8. Which of the following correctly describe the meaning of Karma?
9. What is Samsara?
10. Different schools of Hinduism have different meanings of Moksha? Yes/No
11. Only human beings have an Atman or soul according to Hindus? Yes/No
12. Which of the following statements are true?
13. Is every thing and every being divine according to Hindus? Yes/No
14. Hindus can pick and choose which form of Deva (god or heavnly beings) to worship? Yes/No
15. Divine can be worshiped in either male and female form? Yes/No
16. Yoga is a one of the beliefs of Hinduism? Yes/No
Question 1 of 16