We are pleased to thank the Leader of Opposition, the Hon. Peter Dutton MP, for announcing the Coalition’s support for a Hindu school in Sydney.
Announcing with Hindu community members, Mr Dutton said, “If elected, the Coalition government will provide up to $8.5 million to support the establishment of the first Hindu school. The Hindu community in Australia makes an enormous contribution to our multicultural character. The announcement is an important recognition of the Hindu Community’s vision to have a school finally realised.”
Shadow Minister for Education, Senator the Hon Sarah Henderson, said, “The funding would provide a much-needed boost to the Hindu community, which has long advocated for a dedicated faith-based Hindu School.”
Shadow Minister for Community Safety. Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Jason Wood, said, “The School would follow a model similar to other faith-based institutions, delivering a curriculum that integrates Hindu values alongside the Australian values.”
Hindu Council also thanks local MPs Alex Hawke MP, Melissa McIntosh MP, Julian Leeser MP, Senator Dave Sharma and other Coalition representatives who have lent their support to the Hindu School. We also thank Better Balanced Future (Faith NSW)’s CEO, Murray Norman and Co-chair Darren Bark for their steadfast advocacy and support.
Hindu Council, HEACC and Better Balanced have been working in close partnership to fulfil the community wish of creating the first of many Hindu schools in Australia.
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Authorised by: Surinder Jain
National Vice President
Hindu Council of Australia
250323 Dutton, Henderson, Wood - Media Release - Coalition commitment to deliver Australia’s