Vegetarian and veganism is on the rise, so why isn’t this lifestyle being supported in our children’s schools?

By: Emma Hurst, MLC, your representative for animal rights in NSW Parliament. A growing number of Australian children are not eating meat or animal products. Many now follow a vegan or vegetarian diet for religious reasons, environmental concerns, or distress over animal cruelty. This shift reflects recent research by Roy Morgan that shows 2.5 million […]

Emma Hurst – Protecting animals

By: Surinder Jain. Emma Hurst, member of Animal Justice Party of Australia gave a talk to “Religions for Peace” interfaith group. The group has representative from all major faiths in Australia. Emma talked about how she became a vegetarian and is now fighting for justice to animals. She is in favor of legal provisions to […]

A NSW MP goes Vegan

By: Sydney Morning Herald. “The chicken was purring and I realised chickens purr the same way as my cat,” she said. “I realised if I can’t eat my cat then I can’t eat this chicken.” Few politicians are asked about their diet as much as Ms Hurst, who is required as a candidate for the […]