Bali Hindus in Denmark celebrate Nyepi festival

By: Original article is in Indonesian language and is published at Nyepi is a Bali Hindu festival Saka New Year Celebration. Read English translation below : Pensosbud of the Indonesian Embassy in Copenhagen, Dieny Maya Sari, said on Sunday (10/3) that the Saka New Year Celebration was attended by around 100 people from […]

Indonesian President greets Indonesian Hindus on their new year Day

Hindu Council of Australia : Thank you Joko Widodo for greeting Indonesian Hindus on Hindu new year festival called Hari Raya Nyepi, a day of silence and reflection. Hari Raya Nyepi is new year day as per Balinese Saka calendar. Hindus in South East Asia are celebrating start of year 1941 of the Saka calendar. […]

How Bali’s non-Hindus show religious tolerance and respect on Nyepi

Click here to view original web page at How Bali’s non-Hindus show religious tolerance and respect on Nyepi Western tourists are not the only people in Bali expected to accommodate the Hindu holiday of Nyepi, which took place yesterday, marking the first day of the Balinese New Year with a full 24 hours of quiet […]

Hindu Symbols vandalized during Nyepi religious celebrations in East Java

Translation from Indonesian to English of Jelang Nyepi, Tiga Ornamen Simbol Umat Hindu Dirusak Orang tak Dikenal by Google Translate. “LUMAJANG – The tranquility of the Tenggerese Hindus in Lumajang, East Java is disturbed ahead of the Nyepi celebration. There was destruction of three religious symbols in the form of patmasari or ornaments on the edge […]

Java Hindus celebrate Hindu Festival Melasti

By:Aman Rochman. Thousands of members of the Hindu Tengger community, who live on the slopes of Mount Bromo, carried offerings, heirlooms and other items to the Widodaren spring to perform the Melasti ceremony on Sunday, March 3, 2019 . Hindus will perform an ogoh-ogoh (giant effigy) parade on Wednesday afternoon and then perform Nyepi on […]